13:24 01-10-2008 Никогда думала, что увижу религиозные проблески у Буковского. Поражена в самое яблочко.
Strangers when you meet, strangers when you part - a gymnasium of bodies namelessly masturbating each other. People with no morals often consider themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or to love. So they became swingers. The dead fucking the dead. There was no gamble or humor in the game - it was corpse fucking corpse. Morals were grounded on human experience down throuhg the centuries. Some morals tended to keep people slaves in factories, in churches and true to the State. Other morals simply made good sense. It was like a garden filled with poisoned fruit and good fruit. You had to know which to pick and ear, which to leave alone.

(c) Bukowski

Буковски говорит о свингерах, а я отнесла бы это к обществу в целом.