"Мы находимся в нормальном и полном осознани себя и своих действий лишь на протяжении коротких промежутков времени. Однако, несмотря на такую фрагментарность сознания, мы чувствуем, что постоянно существуем" (с) Лаберже
Стоит только изменить сознание - и тогда понимаешь: все, что тебя окружает - только иллюзия.
-The man of crowd-
It's fully night-fall
Packed London smokes
Te throng is rubbed through thousand doors
Their wishes are clear
Their dreams are base
They hear their thoughts in other's phrase.
He wears hat
And shabby coat
I notice checked scarf on his throat
He's like an actor
In backstage
This plain image makes him strange
What is he doing here?
and why?
For this night I'll be a spy.
I quench my cigar
dive in sleet
And follow him in darkening street.
He passes roads and thorougfare
And six times goes round Russell Square
He stands two hours under lamp -
And starts again this useless tramp
And he will wander there about
For he is just a man of crowd.
I realise that this confusion
Is part of general illusion.