Hans Valderzee
00:12 06-03-2010 Попытка каламбурить :)
Стянуто у Inspiration
Суть: выбираем себе одного исполнителя и пытаемся смешно или в тему ответить на вопросы названиями песен. Кое-где получилось глуповато из-за вопроса и отсутствия адекватных вариантов

Pick your artist: Helloween

Are you female or male: Perfect Gentleman

Describe yourself: Dr. Stein

How do you feel about yourself: King Of 1000 Year

Describe Your Car: Steel Tormentor

Describe where you currently live: Back On The Ground

Your view on politics: Revolution Now

Vacation spot: Future World

Your best friend is: Keeper Of Seventh Keys

Your favorite activity: Halloween

Your favorite color: Pink Bubbles Go Ape

You know: If I Knew

Your significant other is: Forever and One

What's the weather like: Windmill

Your Worst Habit: Anything My Mama Don't Like

Describe yourself in high school: Crazy Cat

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Paint a new world

What is life to you: Crack the riddle

Your love life: Victim Of Fate

What is the best advice you have to give: Can do it

If you could change your name, what would it be: Hey Lord

Your favorite food is: Reptile

Current music: Hellween - The Keeper's Trilogy
Состояние: хорошее
09:45 06-03-2010
Your Worst Habit: Anything My Mama Don't Like -

Ох, и мне что ли написать...
17:34 06-03-2010
здорово получилось))))

особенно над некоторыми посмеялась))