00:10 22-03-2010 TattúínárdSla saga
Ýòî ñâèðåïûé, áåçóìíûé óãàð!
×óâàê "ïåðåâîäèò" è êîììåíòèðóåò òèïà ñòàðîèñëàíäñêóþ ñàãó î Ëþêå, Âåéäåðå è ò.ä.

Tattúínárdœla saga tells of the youth of Anakinn himingangari, beginning with his childhood as a slave in Tattúínárdalr, notably lacking the prolonged racing scene of the MHG version, and referring to the character of “Jarjari inn heimski” only as a local fool slain by Anakinn in a childhood berserker rage (whereas in the MHG version, “Jarjare” is one of “Anacen’s” marshals and his constant companion; Cochrane 2010 suggests that this may be because the MHG text is Frankish in origin, and “Jarjare” was identified with a Frankish culture hero with a similar name). After this killing, for which Anakinn’s owner (and implied father) refuses to pay compensation, Anakinn’s mother, an enslaved Irish princess, foresees a great future for Anakinn as a “jeði” (the exact provenance of this word is unknown but perhaps represents an intentionally humorous Irish mispronunciation of “goði”). This compels Anakinn to recite his first verse:

Þat mælti mín móðir,
at mér skyldi kaupa
fley ok fagrar árar
fara á brott með jeðum,
standa upp í stafni,
stýra dýrum xwingi,
halda svá til hafnar,
hǫggva mann ok annan. (1)

The etymology of “xwingi” (nom. *xwingr?) is unknown; numerous editors have proposed emendations, but none is considered particularly plausible. It is likely to be another humorous Irish mispronunciation of a Norse word.

È ò.ä. è ò.ï.
Äà-äà, ïî âåðñèè âèêèíãîâ, Àíàêèí óáèâàåò Äæàð-Äæàðà â ïðèïàäêå áåðñåðêåðñêîé ÿðîñòè.