18:48 11-11-2015
Åùå äëÿ: Nash

“I don’t know any more than George [Lucas] knew how to fly the Millennium Falcon when I first got in. ‘How do you fly this, George?’” Ford says, breaking into a nasally, mumbling impersonation of the Star Wars creator. “‘Well, I don’t know, you just flip switches, and, errrr…’” Ford rolls his eyes and pretends to randomly spin invisible dials on the tabletop. “’Ooookay!’”

Tormenting Lucas about Star Wars has been Ford’s pastime ever since the first film, where he famously pointed out the difficulty of the filmmaker’s galactic jargon. Ford laughs when reminded of this quote: “You can type this shit, George, but you can’t say it.”

“Well, you try and say, ‘It takes a few minutes for the navicomputer to calculate the coordinates,’” Ford says, rattling off the line with ease that contradicts his complaint a little. “Move your mouth, George, while you’re typing! It’ll help!”
16:10 12-11-2015
‘It takes a few minutes for the navicomputer to calculate the coordinates,’ [èçîáðàæåíèå]

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