На небе ухмыляется луна
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[1] 04-07-2006 12:16
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Забрел случайно
Пятница, 14 Апреля 2006 г.
20:07 пока что просто мысль...
j'ai demande au ciel s'il pouvait changer de monde ; il m'a dit que la vie deviendrait miel quand les gens changeraient...
*я спросила у неба, может ли оно изменить мир, небо мне ответило, что жизнь станет медом, когда люди изменятся...*
Среда, 15 Марта 2006 г.
Je veux, je veux te voir...
Le ciel n'est pas bleu sans toi..
J'aime ton ombre noir...
Aie confiance en moi!
1.Aux moments ou tu es loin,
Je suis en profond sommeil.
Et notre petit eden
M'appelle...Nous sommes au sommet.
2.Quand la nuit couvre la ville,
Je me souviens de toi,
Il me parait que l'ile,
Notre ile soit devant moi..
3.On y va, un pas, deux pas,
Nous arriverons un jour,
C'est un reve, pourquoi pas?
Un reve d'un fol amour.

Пятница, 10 Марта 2006 г.
какая же я все-таки наивная..... я все еще верю в то, что в этом мире существует самопожертвование во имя кого-либо и чистое высокое чувство... я как будто не могу жить среди этой толпы...как будто мне нужно что-то выше.Что-то, похожее на меня и.. способное на все, способное ценить, способное глупо грезить о, может быть и существующем, но определенно далеком и абстрагированном кусочке пространства, где все совсем по-другому, чем здесь..
Четверг, 9 Марта 2006 г.
15:37 Chapter 6, part 2
The next day I got up early and came up to the window. Actually, his estate was just amazing.I heard the songs of nightingales, the mild wind blew round my face, my cheeks and tickled my neck.The morning was sunny and carefree. My traveller entered. I noticed that he had differed since the previous day.He wasn't glad, he didn't smile and his eyes didn't look into mine. We understood each other without any words but with the gestures.
He went out.I followed him. Some minutes later we had already been far from that place.
I was bold that day and asked him if I could know why he had taken me from my house and where we were going.He was terse. ''No, you can't know that'' - that was his answer. I said, ''Then I can run from you, you didn't ask me if i want to go after you''. - ''But you don't like your former life.'' - he reminded to me.His words cut me without a knife. I had a house but I didn't have children, a husband, parents.My life was boring.I had just an elderly uncle who lived in the edge of the town and I had to visit him every Saturday and to take care of him. Then I became meek. His remark made me think that I had only one way - I had to change my life.
'What do you believe in?' he asked.
'In myself' I replied.
'And that is all?' - 'Mh..yes I think the person is the owner of himself.Sometimes I'm not so strong and I begin to believe in the destiny... And you?'
He laughed.
'Well, that is why I chose you.You will have to believe in some supernatural things.They are more valuable than a person. A person? Who is he? How many people are there on the Earth?And what does one person mean here?Just nothing!'
I was quite surprised.Really he was right.There are many things that people try to explain with the explorations.But who can explain the fortuitousnesses and miracles which happen to us every day?
Среда, 1 Марта 2006 г.
11:41 оборотень
Твои улыбки? Оставь себе!
Так много фальши во всем тебе.
Спустись пониже -
Смотри насквозь,
Как небо чисто! -
Забыть пришлось?
Так будь таким же,
Как это небо!
Ты оборотень -
Есть два тебя.
Ты оборотень,
Где нет тебя -
Там я...

Current music: целый мир на мгновенье перестанет вращаться...
11:24 Chapter 6, part 1
''Don't be surprised, my dear.I know everything about you and even more.Now, let's go.Are you ready to hazard?Are you ready to forget about all your former life?'' Yes, I was ready.I was eager to know if this day could change my life?Was it the present of my destiny or just the temptation?
We went out from my house from the backyard.We were going and speaking.He was interesting and unusual company.We laughed and I felt so jaunty and all my thoughts went away.All except him.There was some gravity between us.''Have you ever loved somebody?'', he asked. I didn't expect such questions. ''Why are you keeping silence, my lady?'', he continued. ''Yes, I have loved. I loved only once.And you?''. - ''Oh, my dear, I have loved and I love now only one woman in the whole universe.Don't you guess who she is?'' His deep eyes were full of shine. We passed for a few minutes in silence. The adventures became more fascinating.He took my hand and said, ''My dear, we are entering my estate.Be as at home.Everything is yours here.''
The estate was rich and beautiful.There were three castles and a big garden.Castles were old and ressembled ones in gothic style to me. ''It's late.You need to have a rest.Choose a room.I won't disturb you,honey.But don't forget that tomorrow we have to leave this place for something more dazzling'', he said and disappeared in the darkness.
I spent that night in contemplations.Definitely it was one of the most unusual days in my life.It was the beginning of a new world, a new existence.I liked that.
Воскресенье, 26 Февраля 2006 г.
22:18 Chapter 5
As I looked at the horologe, it was 10 p.m.It's not so early time for leaving home with some unclear man,is it?But I have liked adventures since my childhood.Once upon a time I had found a pouch in the street.There was a sum of money and an address.I went to look for an owner of this thing.The street was unknown to me, but I found it.My mother didn't let me even see that street *It was famous like the most dangerous place in our town*.But I didn't obey.The house was really disgusting but I knocked at the door.Fortunately, there was nobody at home.I was a bit scared and that is why I left the pouch by the door and I was turning back to go home when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.2 minutes later my mouth was closed with a shred and as I remember, I was so frightened that I didn't try to resist.I closed the eyes.To my astonishment, the criminal had seen the pouch (it was his) and became kinder.I managed to run away.
22:07.I decided to be in the hands of my destiny.I went down and came up to the stranger.He was balanced as aforetime and even smiled to me.His smile was so...exposed and genuine...His eyes were shining.''My lady, how's your spirit?Did you like my joke?Excuse me if I made you worry and maybe I offended you.But you know, I like to joke.Don't be angry, please.'' No wonder that I laughed.I had the hysterics.Then I had the only question - what will be next.He said that he needed me to realize his plans.He knew me, he knew all my life, all my problems, all my tastes. He presented me with a little box.There was a book inside it.I was surprised - it was a book of Nietzsche.The book that I liked earlier.I replied "Well, this information can be accessible, from my friends, from my family or from the detective hired by you.'' He looked into my eyes and whispered: ''when we two parted..in silence and tears..half broken-hearted..to sever for years, pale grew thy cheek and cold, colder thy kiss; truly that hour foretold...sorrow to this.'' I was shoked.When I was sixteen I kept a diary.It started with that poem written by Lord Byron.It was my favourite poem.Nobody knew that.Or anybody did?..Now I wasn't sure in anything...
Вторник, 21 Февраля 2006 г.
20:26 Устала.
Если меня раньше спрашивали, верю ли я в бога, я всегда отвечала, что нет.
Если 2 года назад, когда я была зависима от убеждений другого человека и его пристрастий, то могла сказать, что в моей жизни все - наоборот, и соответственно, вместо бога у меня дьявол.Вместо креста обычного - крест перевернутый, как символ перевернутой жизни.
Буквально вчера ночью я поняла, что ни в бога, ни в дьявола я не верю, я верю в нравственность.Нравственность превыше всего.Если у человека она отсутствует, он в моих глазах низок.Я устала оттого, что меня доводят злые помыслы какой-то жалкой преподавательницы..я не могу слушать неправду,клевету о себе и молчать."Правду говорить легко и приятно", словами Булкакова будет сказано.Но если я буду говорить правду - я пойду с ней на конфликт.Не люблю конфликтов.Где выход?Что делать?Я хочу, чтоб это все прекратилось, и чтоб у меня не было резкого скачка давления на нервной почве.Ведь это может плохо кончиться.А Я НЕ ХОЧУ, ни в коем случае не хочу доводить себя!Я пыталась, пыталась стойко выслушивать все, что она говорит, но...Может, я не научилась пока еще выслушивать реплики никчемных, непорядочных людей.Вот только если как правило, на следующий день я встаю в нормальном состоянии и ни на кого зла не держу, то в этот раз я обозлилась.Мне нужно, нужно вытерпеть каких-то 3 месяца....а если когда-нибудь вдруг я смогу сказать все, быть может в каком-то интервью : ) и меня спросят, кого я ненавижу *что бывает со мной крайне редко, чувство ненависти мне несвойственно)*, то я назову именно ее имя.Если это повторится еще раз, я терпеть не буду.И плевать мне на эту пресловутую медаль.Если эта медаль будет получена такой ценой, как часть моего здоровья,нервов и просто путем натягивания оценки и слов "Я поставлю пять, но ты будешь мне должна", то эту медаль надо растоптать и выбросить.Это моя точка зрения.Я ус-та-ла.

Состояние: плохое
Пятница, 17 Февраля 2006 г.
22:47 Chapter 4
I was aghast.My inside voice whispered to me: ''Don't resist, my dear.You're on a right way.You won't regret.'I never sensed it before.I wanted to obey that man; when I was looking into his eyes, I felt myself as the naughtest pearl of this world.By my mind I realized that it was just some implanting, a kind of the hypnnosis.Exactly!The stranger came in my house and used the hyphnosis, maybe he was a doctor, and they hold this know-how, I thought.I went up and began to delve in my clothes.Everything was misplaced as usually.Fortunately, I found the old black weather-beaten mantle.This mantle was mended many years ago when I was a member of one society.Now I say that it was foolishly to play some loud music in the little garage where were only drums, some hardware and..earlier I thought that there was a Muse.My Muse.In evenings, we went to the little valley.As I remember now, it was located not far from our homes, and it was a wonderful place.Around that valley there was everything as in the dream.Beauty and bliss reigned there.And when the Sun set, the picture was more impressive.The graveyard was located to the right of the valley and I used to enjoy the long shadows of the memorials.We lay on the grass right in the valley(we called that valley ''The refuge of forsaken wolves''),looked in the dusky sky and shouted and pointed out when we suddenly saw a shooting-star...Oh, that was a great time but as you know you can't turn time back.Life is the one and every jiffy has its own loveliness.Anyway, the mantle was black and that was an advantage now.I noticed that my window was open and I had an idea to run away, to avenge myself on that man,to call somebody for help.But...something stopped me.I wanted to feel the pain.The pain to be humiliated, beaten and...I didn't want to be this lady who was looking that moment at me from the mirrow. There, in the mirrow, I saw the pixilated woman who was somehow craped because I was in black from my head to my feet.

Состояние: хорошее
Четверг, 16 Февраля 2006 г.
22:14 первые три главы..
That year we had the dreary rain-lashed summer.My lazy cat was stretched out in the black armchair.There were a lot, just the whole pile of different useless things in the room.I with my cat suffered from boredom and made up different challenges to distract ourselves.I was a champion in this deal.And I made up the amusement.I found an old cane.It was presented to my grandfather many years ago.It was black like my cat and the head of a cane had two bright-yellow spots.It seemed to me that those spots were the eyes.And these eyes looked at me and resembled my cat's eyes to me.The rain knocked at my window and I thought it would break it the next moment.Suddenly the light went out.And I appeared alone in the house with four sinister eyes in the darkness.
Somebody chuckled.I started to examine every side of my room but there was no light and I couldn't see anything.I remembered my grand-father.I felt that I didn't have to touch his cane because it was his.There were no any inscriptions on it so the history of this cane was a puzzle for me.Anyway I wasn't confident then, and I couldn't assume what happened.And I began to convince myself that everything is quite all right and I would be alive.I imagined the plain portrait of my visitor,I thought who he was and why he had come to my house.Why didn't he kill me or touch me at once?Where was the common sense?
The common sense appeared by itself.I saw the light somewhere in the other room.I started to go there without any noise.I thought it was likely that somebody of my friends had decided to joke at me.But the case was much more serious.No, my life wasn't at stake, I thought.And the books learnt me to be fearless and I knew that people who had a fear of their own death were weak.The next moment I felt a puncture and I could see that my leg had one raw scratch which startled me.My interest urged me to go quicker.This day resembled some movie to me.I felt the strong pain of my scrape although it wasn't wide.Finally I entered that room.The man in black cloak was standing back to me and I couldn't see his face.I was loyal to my principles that's why I asked loudly:''Who are you and why are you here, in my house?''No reply.I began to shout: ''Get off from my house, you hear?In other way I will call the Police!'' He turned and said indifferently: ''I will command here and you, abject creature, you will be my servant.Don't say anything.Just do what I say.Now, immediately, you will go upstairs and put on some clothes.You must be similar to me so I advise you to choose black clothes.And after that you'll come back here and...Well, go now, you'll know everything when your time comes.''

Current music: Кино
Состояние: креативное
Понедельник, 13 Февраля 2006 г.
What a huge world,
Many minds,many words,
Foolish eyes,naive lords,
What a strange world,
Who must live,he dies.
Who must die,he rules.
The hell,the paradise,
Other blood,other rules.
I change my life,
The life changes me.
I must be alive
At this cemetery...
Среда, 8 Февраля 2006 г.
Понедельник, 23 Января 2006 г.
Засни со мной, мой Майский Ангел,
Засни - увидишь, станет легче...
Я рассыпаюсь кучей звезд
По светло-сумрачному небу,
Когда не знает сердце слез,
Когда минуты не подвластны веку..
Ты обними меня покрепче...
Я вся - с тобой, мой Майский Ангел...
Воскресенье, 22 Января 2006 г.
21:16 Vive la Tempete!
Запомните этот день...Этот день - вступление в жизнь коллекции синглов с моей песней!"Мы строили, строили и наконец, построили!" : )АЛИЛУЯ!Ну что я могу сказать...получилось лучше, чем моя прошлая песня.Получилось красивее.Надеюсь, что тем, кому я дарю эти диски, это будет лучшим, что можно сделать на память обо мне...Tempete.

Current music: МОЯ. : )
Состояние: сонное
Суббота, 21 Января 2006 г.
Я устала....устала....почему нет такого портала, чтоб можно было в моменты искреннего желания убежать туда и закрыть за собой дверь...хотя бы ненадолго..не навсегда...тяжело без этой возможности..
Понедельник, 9 Января 2006 г.
14:29 я обещала это написать...посвящается Ей..
написано примерно 10.09.04."Она внесла в мою жизнь счастье, заставила меня поверить в то, что я еще что-то значу в этой жизни.Без нее она была бы скучной и пустой, как консервная банка.Это моя подруга.Она живет в моей жизни и в моем детстве, сердце и душе с самого рождения.Мы вместе росли, взрослели и оказались одинаково мыслящими.Поэтому мы понимаем друг друга без слов, и нет такого человека, который разлучил бы нас. Было время, когда мы пытались не общаться, но не прошло и двух лет, как мы снова вместе.Я не могу не волноваться за нее, не советоваться с ней!Еще в детстве мы придумывали, как будто мы сестры, чтоб запудрить другим мозги.А выходит, это и правда так.Мы почти каждый день проводим вместе, как родственные души.Наши родители тоже неплохо знакомы, она стала членом нашей семьи.Недаром говорят, "старый друг лучше новых двух".Это для меня такой человек, которому я могу доверить все, который все поймет и даже...простит, если что не так.Нам в принципе не нужно никакой компании, чтоб повеселиться, развлечься, поговорить.Мы дополняем друг друга и в целом в этом мире зовемся друзьями...Я благодарна ей за все подаренное мне тепло и очень-очень люблю ее."

Current music: "я буду жить..."
Состояние: хорошее
Вторник, 20 Декабря 2005 г.
14:30 my fairy-tale
This story happened many years ago in the mountains of one unbeknown country.Nobody has ever seen the king or the queen of that country but everybody knows that it was a monarchy.Those mountains were so high that if you wanted to put the Eiffel Tower next to them in order to compare their sizes and heights, you would see that this Eiffel Tower is less, much less and much lower those mountains...Frenchmen were sad because of it.Earlier, they were proud because their Tower was a leader.Well, let's begin our story.
One man was born in that country.He was strange and differed from other occupants of that country.He didn't have any attachments, family, parents, relatives.He didn't have a house or a flat.Every evening when it's dark, people noticed that there was something in the sky or on the ground.This something could fly, could run with a speed of the light, could be everywhere but the people didn't know what it was. But I'll tell you a secret.It was that man...He never knew why and what for he did it.But every evening he became a turn-skin.When he thought of the rain, he became the drop of the rain; when he thought about a tree, he became a shadow of a tree.And it happened every night.The man was tired.One day he said to himself that he wanted to have a family, home.And he closed his eyes and said privately: ''My soul and my heart, lead me home.My feet, lead me home.''He walked many days, he didn't stop and he didn't open his eyes.His way was opened by his feet.Eventually, when it was dark again, he heard a voice.It was a voice of an old man.''Listen to me attentively, you are in the mountains.Your heart prompted your way to you.You can thank it.You are at home.I'm a monarch of our country.And you are my envoy.You are my son.Good day, dear'', said the old man.

Current music: Михей
Состояние: доброе
Понедельник, 12 Декабря 2005 г.
Пылающее сердце - это
Сгорающие нервы; это -
Ушедшие моменты; это -
Цветное облако Венеры...

Душа, как будто, ближе к сердцу,
А Солнце - памятник Надежде,
Но к ней закрыта плотно дверца,
Как впрочем, и сейчас, и прежде...

Холодные ветер шепчет сказки
Про жизнь вне сна, про нас двоих,
Твои пленительные глазки
Меня научат верить в них..

Current music: amel bent
Пятница, 9 Декабря 2005 г.
23:22 i try to describe
Состояние бесконечной темноты, заключенной всего в четырех стенах комнаты площадью 12 квадратных метров;
Песенка, игравшая на берегу моря в 2002 году, ее включали для какой-то влюбленной пары; кажется, это лимп бизкит...
Свет - жалюзи закрыты, но через них поступает тусклый свет фонарей, которые теперь горят совсем рядом с домом, весьма необычно смотреть на отражение этого света на блестящих плитках дома...
Настроение - эйфория, может, это связано с препаратами, которые я сейчас принимаю из-за болезни..странное сумасшествие, абстрагированность от всего...
Положение несколько минут назад...слегка согнуты колени, пол..улыбка..никому..
Последнее впечатление - фильм serendipity;
Мысль - желание...утонуть в Его объятиях..в этой самой темноте..naked..упс : )
Время.. 38 минут до дня рождения моей сладенькой Ann..
20:01 "Кто показал тебе звезды утром..."
Cнег.Куча снега.Вау.