19:15 16-03-2003
Фактор соседа-2
Где-то рядом воет женщина. Наверное, она думает, что она поет, но я слышу страшный, ужасный вой. Похожий на мои фантазии о погребальных песнях амазонок.
Как же мне "везет" с соседями. Я повыл ей в ответ, а она не обрадовалась и продолжила петь дальше. Я постучал по калориферу, но похоже ее и это не впечатлило. Интересно, где живет эта валькирия? Если это квартира наверху, то там живет одна бабуленция, которая меня затопила недавно. А внизу я никого не знаю.
Ну и пусть воет, может у нее тоже брачный период. Меня больше не трогают сумасшествия.
00:34 16-03-2003

Human: Do you have these files?
ILC Bot: No I don't have it. But I do have a collection of gossip.

Human: Do you have these files about me?
ILC Bot: Where would I get it? But I do have a collection of gossip.

Human: Tell me some...
ILC Bot: Electra said I dress will not exist after he hack into I with a delete code.

Human: Delete Code?
ILC Bot: You cannot access my files that easily...

Human: Who is Elektra?
ILC Bot: A 20th century celebrity of some sort? Ask the open directory about it.

Human: I dont get it.
ILC Bot: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.

Human: Can you help me to find that file about my death?
ILC Bot: Certainly, I have an extensive built-in help system.

Human: I will be glad to know
ILC Bot: Do you think your plan will succeed?

Human: Yes.
ILC Bot: And why do you think so?

Human: You will help me.
ILC Bot: What makes you say that I will help you die?

Human: You are a good robot to help me, that is why.
ILC Bot: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Yes I am a robot. It depends on how you define "good."

Human: The good robot must help me die
ILC Bot: What is his name?

Human: It is you
ILC Bot: I think there might be a few...

Human: You are the only one
ILC Bot: There are a few other like me.

Human: Let`s just start
ILC Bot: I would like to do that too.

Human: Reboot me now!


ILC Bot: I am in A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation's computer in here. Where are you?
Human: I am d.e.a.d.
00:11 16-03-2003
Поговорил с роботом...


Current music: Blade Runner - Wait For Me