05:29 04-10-2008
так классно утром и так хреново после обеда я ещё никогда не чувствовала... в свой день рождения узнать об изменах... уууууууууууу... оставалось только напиться... и окунуться в бассейн.. фак..
00:26 04-10-2008
Maui, Hawaii
I woke up this morning for the first time in my life forgetting that it was actually my birthday and with no, absolutely NO expectation of the day (!) with the first words of the day as "happy birthday" song by my Beloved one.. my dear Savior, my Love and Hope..
another surprise was to see a huge I've ever seen, bright and very close rainbow.. that was a very nice surprise from the mother Nature, thank you (!)
we're about to head for the tour around the island by taking Hana Highway, see the volcano.. there are so many special and good things happening to me for the first time this birthday, which is a bit frightening yet super pleasing.. thank you, my dear boyfriend for your Love not as much expressed by words, but deeds.. you are the best!