Бэкки Тэтчер
09:32 07-03-2010
Independent essay.

Many people have learned a foreign language in their own country; others have learned a foreing language in thr country in which it is spoken. Which is better? Give the advantages of each and support your viewpoint.

Nowadays learning foreign languages is obviously very important. However the question is that we should learn a foreign language in our country or in the native country where it is spoken. Each way of learning has its own advantages.
The most important advantage to learning language in your own country is that you can have your teachers explain unknown words or phrases in your mother tongue, which is especially important at the early stage of learning a foreign language. In addition, there is financial matter. Learning foreign language in your own country is quite a lot cheaper than it would be to travel to the county where the language is spoken. You don't have to spend time and money on traveling and staying at a foreign country.
However, learning a foreign language in the country where it is spoken has incomparable advantages. Only there can you have access to exact pronunciation, proper tone and idioms of natural speech. Listening to exact pronunciation will help you correct yourself and will improve your listening and speaking ability. It is well known that people most quickly learn a foreign language when they are surrounded by people who speak that language. When you live in the native country language you have no choice but use that language in daily life. You also have the opportunity to learn the culture of the country in which you learn language, make friends or get an invitation to work or study in a foreign country.
In conclusion, I prefer learning a foreign language in the native country because it will give me opportunities to practice a lot, to correct my fault easily and naturally. Therefore I think this is the better way of learning a foreign language.
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