ChaosCracker Sanctuary
дневник заведен 05-03-2002
постоянные читатели [3]
CreateR, Барби, Журнал
Вторник, 20 Мая 2003 г.
21:25 dmg given / taken | final dmg
Final Damage = ((Damage - DR) * (1 - Resistance / 100) * (1 - 2 * Absorb% / 100) - 2 * Absorb - ArmorSkill) * XvX * (1 - ES / 100)
Negative final damage means that you gain life.
Terms in the equations
Damage = Original damage dealt by the attacker
DR = Damage reduced by X (vs. physical damage) or Magic damage reduced by X (vs. fire, cold, lightning and magic damage)
Resistance = Resistance (the appropriate one vs. damage type) or Damage Reduced by X% (vs. physical damage)
Absorb% = Percentage absorb (the appropriate one vs. damage type)
Absorb = Direct absorb (the appropriate one vs. damage type)
ArmorSkill = Necromancer's Bone Armor (vs. physical damage) or Druid's Cyclone Armor (vs. fire, cold and lightning damage)
XvX = Unit Type Modification, see the table above.
ES = Sorceress's Energy Shield (vs. all damage types except poison)

by tommy gustafsson
Вторник, 8 Апреля 2003 г.
21:59 weapon speed calc
Четверг, 27 Марта 2003 г.
01:59 6 pskullz + rare itam
6 perfect skulls + 1 rare item -> 1 low level rare item

Correct for the portion that will be applied to the jewels alvl calculation. And with the jewel having a qlvl=1 we would get
(rings, amulets and Grand Charms are also qlvl=1 making it easier to determine what affixes can appear on them).

new ilvl = (2/3) * clvl (this isn't actually the formula the game uses, but it approaches this limit)

Correct this is an attractor point for the formula. But you might need to run through the iterations of the formula a few times because the truncations of the calculation might force it to stop 1 point off of this mark. You can typically reach the stable point in 3 to 5 reiterations (cubings) even from the worst case starting point(ilvl=1).

Hmmm... ran the reiterations. Need clvl 88 and it will take 5 coming from ilvl=1 to stabilise at alvl=ilvl=57. With a level 99 character you will be above ilvl=57 in only 3 reiterations coming from an ilvl of 1.
Среда, 26 Марта 2003 г.
23:52 rez. mdr, blabla
100 damage Fire attack:
0 MDR, 50% Fire Resist: (100-0)*(100-50)/100 = 50 damage taken
0 MDR, 0% Fire Resist: (100-0)*(100-0)/100 = 100 damage taken
0 MDR, -50% Fire Resist: (100-0)*(100-(-50))/100 = 150 damage taken
0 MDR, -100% Fire Resist: (100-0)*(100-(-100))/100 = 200 damage taken

10 MDR, 50% Fire Resist: (100-10)*(100-50)/100 = 45 damage taken (save 5 life)
10 MDR, 0% Fire Resist: (100-10)*(100-0)/100 = 90 damage taken (save 10 life)
10 MDR, -50% Fire Resist: (100-10)*(100-(-50))/100 = 135 damage taken (save 15 life)
10 MDR, -100% Fire Resist: (100-10)*(100-(-100))/100 = 180 damage taken (save 20 life)

This post has been edited by Ruvanal on Mar 8, 2003 - 5:21 AM
22:56 Affix Calc
22:16 Damage Modification Mechanics
damage given, damage taken, damage reduction, etc
by Tommy Gustafson
Воскресенье, 2 Марта 2003 г.
If I were to die murdered in cold blood tomorrow
Would you feel sorrow or show love
Or would it matter
Can never be the lead-off batter of things
Shit for me to feed off
I'm see-saw battlin
But theres way too much at stake for me to be fake
There's too much on my plate
And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away
And not say what I got to say
What the fuck you take me for? a joke? you smokin crack?
Before I do that, I beg Mariah to take me back
I get up 'for i get down, run myself in the ground, 'for I put some wack shit out
I'm tryin-a smack this one out the park, five-thousand mark
Ya'll steady tryin to drown the shark
Ain't gonna do nothin but piss me off
Lid to the can of whoop ass, just twist me off
See me leap out, pull the piece out, fuck shootin i'm just trying to knock his teeth out
Fuck with me now, bitch, let's see you freestyle
Talk is cheap, motherfucker if you're really feeling froggish, leap
Yo slim, you gonna let him get away with that?
He tried to play you, you can't let him skate with that
Man I hate this crap, this ain't rap,
This is crazy the way we act
When we confuse hip-hop with real life when the music stops
Суббота, 8 Февраля 2003 г.
20:12 все тот же FBR, на АБ перепаковывают базы, опять потеряецца мля половина топиков =х
ok, this is edited post with new, confirmed and tested tables.

The base blocking animation numbers were provided by Ruvanal. Thanks.

The misleading tables were calculated by Galzohar. Thanks.

The new and much improved tables were calculated by Jurts, confirmed via testing by Ned_Devine and heavily scrutinized by Aurikan. Hail to you guys!

These are the tables then:

00% 3 4 5 6
05% 3 4 5 6
10% 3 4 5 6
15% 3 4 5 6
20% 3 4 5 5
25% 3 3 4 5
30% 3 3 4 5
35% 2 3 4 5
40% 2 3 4 4
45% 2 3 4 4
50% 2 3 3 4
55% 2 3 3 4
60% 2 3 3 4
65% 2 3 3 4
70% 2 2 3 4
75% 2 2 3 3

A - Pal/Am/Asn
B - Barb
C - Sorc/WB/WW
D - DruHuman/Nec

FBR:= SUM (all FBR items)

FBR from items (thanks to Flick for this list):

15% faster block rate: "of Blocking" suffix (or various set/unique shields)
20% faster block rate: Shael rune in shield
30% faster block rate: "of Deflecting" suffix (or various set/unique shields)

Certain unique/set shields have non standard blocking values:
Stormchaser (unique Scutum): 10%
Steelclash (unique Kite Shield): 20%
Radamant's Sphere (unique Ancient Shield): 20%
Stormshield (unique Monarch): 35%
Pelta Lunata (unique Buckler): 40%
Rhyme rune word shield: 40%
Whitstan's Guard (set Round Shield): 40%
Blackoak Shield (unique Luna): 50%
Griswold's Honor (set Vortex Shield): 65%

The only non-shield item that increases block rate is:
30% faster block rate: Guardian Angel unique Templar Coat

P.S. All shields have the same base block speed. Thanks to Karon and Ruvanal for nailing that...
Вторник, 24 Декабря 2002 г.
11:56 Jurts гонит ^^
11:35 dmg formula from AB by Kirsty
Okay, correct formula and example.

Damage = [{(weapon base Damage + 1) * (1 + %EDmod from weapon/100 )} + (weapon base damage * socket %ED/100 ) + min/max damage from all equipment] x [Y / 100 + %ED from equipment other than weapon/100 + %ED from skills/100 + 1]

Easier written down:
Damage = [A + B + C] x [Y / 100 + D + E + 1]
A=(weapon base Damage + 1) * (1 + %EDmod from weapon/100 )
B=(weapon base damage * socket %ED/100 )
C=min/max damage from all equipment
D=%ED from equipment other than weapon/100
E=%ED from skills/100
Y=strength and dexterity bonus, see just below
The "Y" refers to your attributes:
- For bows and crossbows, use your dexterity value.
- For "hammer" weapons, use (1.1 x strength).
- For all thrown weapons (even in melee), use (0.75 x Strength + 0.75 x Dexterity)
- For class-specific spears, use (0.8 x Strength + 0.3 x Dexterity)
- For daggers (and Assassin claws), use (0.75 x Strength + 0.75 x Dexterity)
- For all other melee weapons, use your Strength value.

Example and explanation

200% Lightsabre with Ohm Rune, 200 strength, 350% ED from skills, none from other gear.
Hmm.. to explain it in full. You take the weapon base damage. That is, the damage a white item would do of the same weapon type. Lightsabre is a phase blade.
Phase Blade Base Damage: 31-35 (look this up on or the Arreat Summit)
Now.. for %ED mods encased by magical properties, you have the weird occurrence that the weapon base damage is considered +1... The ED mod is calculated on 32-36 instead of 31-35.
So this means that:
A=((31-35) + 1)*(1 + 200/100)=(32-36)*(1+2)=(32-36)*3 = 96-108
Now for Ohm and %ED jewels socketed in a weapon, it gives a bonus on the normal base damage, so on 31-35.
B=(31-35)*(50/100)=(31-35)*0.5 = 15.5-17.5
(note that this only adds 33 damage, so maybe ohm wouldn't be a wise socket... it's expensive as hell, so socket it with a 30 max damage jewel instead for a very comparable result and its much cheaper to get and easier to craft. this max damage jewel should of course be taken into account when calculating the value for C)
If you didn't socket your weapon with an ED jewel or if it is already socketed, just take the damage the way it shows on your item and skip calculations A and B. Take that value as the result of A+B.
Lightsabre has a 10-30 damage mod. This means it adds 10 minimum and 30 maximum damage. For the example no other source of min/max is listed so:
We now have betwen the first []: (96-108) + (15.5-17.5) + (10-30) = (121.5-155.5)
I noted that we have a strength of 200. Swords don't get bonuses fromdex or anything, so this means our Y value is:
I noted no other socketing of %ED or any other %ED modifiers from gear (here is the point to insert 350%ED to Demons (note, Demons only) from Laying of Hands, but not in this example)
D = 0
%ED from skills is purely 350%, don't ask me how and what skills, it's just an example.
This means on our second [] we have gotten: [200/100 + 0 + 3.5 + 1]=[2+0+3.5+1] = 6.5
Our final physical damage will then be (121.5-155.5) * 6.5 = 789.75-1010.75

I hope this "walkthrough" helps you calculate your damage.
[Chaos] : ^^, i hope that too -__-
Понедельник, 5 Августа 2002 г.
23:49 CTB mazafaka
Effective Blocking=[Block * (Dex – 15)] / (Clvl *2)
Вторник, 23 Июля 2002 г.
20:34 simple nodrop table
Уники не падающие из Хелльного Мефа

- Veil of Steel (Spired Helm)
- Messerschmidt's Reaver (Champion Axe)
- Schaefer's Hammer (Legendary Mallet)
- The Cranium Basher (Thunder Maul)
- The Grandfather (Colossus Blade)
- Stormspire (Giant Thresher)
- Windforce (Hydra Bow)

Сеты не падающие из Хелльного Мефа

- Natalya's Mark (Scissors Suwayyah)
- Aldur's Deception (Shadow Plate)
- Immortal King's Soul Cage (Sacred Armor)
- Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Lacquered Plate)
- Griswold's Valor (Corona)
- Griswold's Redemption (Caduceus)
- Griswold's Honor (Vortex Shield)
- Trang-Oul's Guise (Bone Visage)
- Trang-Oul's Girth (Troll Belt)
- M'avina's True Sight (Diadem)
- M'avina's Embrace (Kraken Shell)
- Taebaek's Glory (Ward)
- Ondal's Almighty (Spired Helm)
- Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Cryptic Sword)
- Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Colossus Blade)
- Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian (Mythical Sword)

Уники не падающие из NM-го Мефа

- Grim's Burning Dead (Grim Scythe)
- Crown of Thieves (Grand Crown)
- Toothrow (Sharktooth Armor)
- Atma's Wail (Embossed Plate)
- Black Hades (Chaos Armor)
- Corpsemourn (Ornate Plate)
- Que-Hegan's Wisdom (Mage Plate)
- Radament's Sphere (Ancient Shield)
- Harlequin Crest (Shako)
- The Gladiator's Bane (Wire Fleece)
- Arkaine's Valor (Balrog Skin)
- Blackoak Shield (Luna)
- Stormshield (Monarch)
- Hellslayer (Decapitator)
- Baranar's Star (Devil Star)
- Lightsabre (Phase Blade)
- Doombringer (Champion Sword)
- Wizardspike (Bone Knife)
- Eaglehorn (Crusader Bow)
- Jalal's Mane (Totemic Mask)
- Nosferatu's Coil (Vampirefang Belt)

Сеты не падающие из NM-го Мефа

- Natalya's Shadow (Loricated Mail)
- Immortal King's Stone Crusher (Ogre Maul)
- Griswold's Heart (Ornate Plate)
- Trang-Oul's Scales (Chaos Armor)
- M'avina's Caster (Grand Matron Bow)
- Laying of Hands (Bramble Mitts)
- Dark Adherent (Dusk Shroud)
- Credendum (Mithril Coil)
- Dangoon's Teaching (Reinforced Mace)
- Hwanin's Splendor (Grand Crown)
- Sazabi's Ghost Liberator (Balrog Skin)
- Naj's Puzzler (Elder Staff)
- Naj's Light Plate (Hellforge Plate)

[c] jarulf, mixed by zealot
Воскресенье, 14 Июля 2002 г.
01:24 faster cast rate by Venomous Vixen
13fr 0-8% faster cast rate
12fr 9-19%
11fr 20-36%
10fr 37-62%
09fr 63-104%
08fr 105-199%
07fr 200-+%
Понедельник, 17 Июня 2002 г.
19:53 bows speed BP`s by zendragon

Weapon: long battle, long war, reflex, gothic, large siege, ceremonial,
hydra, grand matron, crusader
Weapon Base Speed: 10
Normal Base Frames: 13
Strafe Base Frames: 3

15/4: 0 to 4
14/4: 5 to 10
13/3: 11 to 21
12/3: 22 to 34
11/3: 35 to 55
10/3: 56 to 88
9/3: 89 to 119
9/2: 120 to 146
8/2: 147 to 285


Weapon: short, edge, spider
Weapon Base Speed: 5
Normal Base Frames: 13
Strafe Base Frames: 3

14/4: 0 to 5
13/3: 6 to 14
12/3: 15 to 26
11/3: 27 to 45
10/3: 46 to 74
9/3: 75 to 101
9/2: 102 to 124
8/2: 125 to 239
7/2: 240 to 285


Weapon: long, short battle, short war, stag, cedar, short siege,
rune, ashwood, shadow, ward, diamond
Weapon Base Speed: 0
Normal Base Frames: 13
Strafe Base Frames: 3

13/3: 0 to 8
12/3: 9 to 19
11/3: 20 to 36
10/3: 37 to 62
9/3: 63 to 85
9/2: 86 to 104
8/2: 105 to 200
7/2: 201 to 285


Weapon: hunter's, composite, razor, double, great, matriarchal, blade
Weapon Base Speed: -10
Normal Base Frames: 13
Strafe Base Frames: 3

12/3: 0 to 7
11/3: 8 to 21
10/3: 22 to 41
9/3: 42 to 59
9/2: 60 to 74
8/2: 75 to 141
7/2: 142 to 285


Weapon: heavy crossbow, ballista, colossus crossbow
Weapon Base Speed: 10
Normal Base Frames: 19
Strafe Base Frames: 5

22/6: 0 to 1
22/5.5: 2 to 2
21/5.5: 3 to 6
20/5.5: 7 to 10
19/5: 11 to 18
18/5: 19 to 26
17/4.5: 27 to 36
16/4.5: 37 to 49
15/4: 50 to 69
14/4: 70 to 94
13/3.5: 95 to 137
12/3.5: 138 to 214
11/3: 215 to 285


Weapon: crossbow, siege crossbow, gorgon crossbow
Weapon Base Speed: 0
Normal Base Frames: 19
Strafe Base Frames: 5

19/5: 0 to 6
18/5: 7 to 13
17/4.5: 14 to 21
16/4.5: 22 to 31
15/4: 32 to 47
14/4: 48 to 67
13/3.5: 68 to 98
12/3.5: 99 to 151
11/3: 152 to 285


Weapon: light crossbow, arbalest, pellet bow
Weapon Base Speed: -10
Normal Base Frames: 19
Strafe Base Frames: 5

18/5: 0 to 2
17/4.5: 3 to 8
16/4.5: 9 to 17
15/4: 18 to 29
14/4: 30 to 45
13/3.5: 46 to 69
12/3.5: 70 to 108
11/3: 109 to 285


Weapon: repeating crossbow
Weapon Base Speed: -40
Normal Base Frames: 19
Strafe Base Frames: 5

14/4: 0 to 3
13/3.5: 4 to 15
12/3.5: 16 to 34
11/3: 35 to 285


Weapon: chu-ko-nu, demon crossbow
Weapon Base Speed: -60
Normal Base Frames: 19
Strafe Base Frames: 5

12/3.5: 0 to 7
11/3: 8 to 285
Воскресенье, 16 Июня 2002 г.
22:50 weap dmg before 1.09 (?)
(base weapon damage) * (ED mod on weapon and specific ED mod on weapon) * (mastery + stat + skill + ED mod off weapon and specific ED mod off weapon)

(pasted from AmaBasin f-m)
Четверг, 13 Июня 2002 г.
21:48 FBR table by Jurts
00%..3 4 5 6
05%..3 4 5 6
10%..3 4 5 6
15%..3 4 5 6
20%..3 4 5 5
25%..3 3 4 5
30%..3 3 4 5
35%..2 3 4 5
40%..2 3 4 4
45%..2 3 4 4
50%..2 3 3 4
55%..2 3 3 4
60%..2 3 3 4
65%..2 3 3 4
70%..2 2 3 4
75%..2 2 3 3

A - Pal/Am/Asn
B - Barb
C - Sorc/WB/WW
D - DruHuman/Nec

FBR:= shield base blocking speed + SUM (all FBR items)

Shield base blocking speed:

0 speed:
Buckler / Defender / Heater
Small / Round / Luna
Kite / Dragon / Monarch
Spiked / Barbed / Blade barrier
Bone / Grim / Troll Nest

5 speed: (-5 in speed formula)
Large / Scutum / Hyperion
Gothic / Ancient / Ward

10 speed: (-10 in speed formula)
Tower / Pavise / Aegis

All paladin special shields have 0 speed.

FBR from items (thanks to Flick for this list):

15% faster block rate: "of Blocking" suffix (or various set/unique shields)
20% faster block rate: Shael rune in shield
30% faster block rate: "of Deflecting" suffix (or various set/unique shields)

Certain unique/set shields have non standard blocking values:
Stormchaser (unique Scutum): 10%
Steelclash (unique Kite Shield): 20%
Radamant's Sphere (unique Ancient Shield): 20%
Stormshield (unique Monarch): 35%
Pelta Lunata (unique Buckler): 40%
Rhyme rune word shield: 40%
Whitstan's Guard (set Round Shield): 40%
Blackoak Shield (unique Luna): 50%
Griswold's Honor (set Vortex Shield): 65%

The only non-shield item that increases block rate is:
30% faster block rate: Guardian Angel unique Templar Coat

PS. text compressing, mazafaka ^^
Четверг, 6 Июня 2002 г.
05:02 throw baba speed
Base -10
IAS Throws
0 23
10 25
20 27
25 30
40-55 32
65 35
75-85 38
90-165 41

Base 10
IAS Throws
0-10 22
15-30 25
35-45 28
50-65 31
70-100 34
105 37
Четверг, 30 Мая 2002 г.
00:09 (c) by forcer99
Сообщение адресовано геймерам, которые хорошо умеют пользоваться калькулятором, но для которых проблема вывести какие-нибудь формулы.

Часто возникает вопрос: какой jewel вставить в армор или оружие: скажем, 30ed + 10max или 40ed (те, кто покупает исключительно 40ed 15max / 40ed 15ias могут дальше не читать ). Скорость здесь не рассматривается, здесь рассматривается только вопрос, как быстро выяснить, c каким jewelом получится больший damage.
После нехитрых вычислений получились следующие формулы:

В арморе:

edeff = ed + (AED + ed + 100%) * d / DW
deff = d + (DW + d) * ed / (AED + 100%)

edeff - эффективный enhanced damage, %
deff - эффективный +damage (сумма min + max)
ed - enhanced damage на jewele + значимый stat на jewele (dex для луков, str для мечей и т.п.).
AED - общий enhanced damage от скиллов, статов, шмоток и т.д., %
d - +dam на jewele (min + max)
DW - damage оружия (сумма min + max). Не забудьте добавить +min и max dam с чармов и шмоток! Магический dam не учитываем.

Пример: ама 300dex, GA 120% (ED=420%) с буризой 100-400 dam и +20 max dam чармами (D=520). Хотим узнать какой jewel в армор лучше: 30ed 10max или 40ed.
30ed 10max: edeff = 30% + (420% + 30% + 100%) * 10 / 520 = 40.6%
40ed: edeff = 40%
Первый jewel немного лучше.

Грубо: для средней буризонки 1 max dam ~= 1% enh dam. Для любого чара приблизительно
enh dam / +dam = (AED+100%) / DW

В оружии:

edeff = ed + 100% * d / D + (ED+ed+100%+100%*(d+AD)/D)*stat/(AED+100%)
deff = d + D * ed / 100% + (D*(ED+ed+100%)/100%+d+AD)*stat/(AED+100%)

здесь D - базовый dam оружия (сумма min + max)
ed - enhanced damage на jewele без значимого стата
stat - стат на jewele. Если он равен нулю, формула резко упрощается - последнего члена нет
ED - enh dam на оружии, %
AD - +dam на оружии + dam от чармов и шмоток (сумма min + max)
AED - общий enhanced damage от скиллов, статов, шмоток и т.д., %

Пример: какой из тех jewelов лучше вставить в буризу (базовый dam баллисты c enh damagом 34-56, D=90).
30ed 10max: edeff = 30% + 100% * 10 / 90 = 41.1%
40ed: edeff = 40%
Первый jewel опять немного лучше. Но в Colossus Sworde 2H он будет уже хуже.

Еще пример: хотим вставить в буризу jewel 40ed + x max dam. Чему должно быть равно x, чтобы jewel оказался эффективнее Ohm руны?
40% + 100% * x / 90 > 50%
x > 9
При x=15 edeff = 56.7%

То же самое для Colossus Sworda 1H (D=98).
x > 9.8
А вот для 2H CS Ohm по-любому лучше, т.к. x > 18.4

Для оружия приблизительно

enh dam / +dam = 100% / D
enh dam / stat = (ED+100%+100%*AD/D) / (AED+100%)

Для буризы и средней буризонки, опять-таки, 1% enh dam = 0.9 max dam ~= 1 dex. Если вам вдруг попадется на трейде что-то типа 29 ed +9 min +9 max +9 dex, вы легко оцените, что это примерно 58 ed, т.е. гораздо лучше в буризе, чем Ohm, и тогда, может быть, цена в 5-10 или скока там sojs не покажется вам такой уж запредельной
Среда, 22 Мая 2002 г.
Faster Hit Recovery frames
0% -4
32% -3

0% -5
26% -4
86% -3

0% -6
20% -5
63% -4

0% -7
18% -6
48% -5

0% -8
15% -7
39% -6
86% -5
Вторник, 21 Мая 2002 г.
Class: Amazon
Weapon: Balista
Attack Type: Normal
Base Frames: 19
Weapon Speed: 10
Wereform Speed: 0
IAS from Skills: 0%

% IAS Frames
0% 22
3% 21
7% 20
11% 19
19% 18
27% 17
37% 16
50% 15
70% 14
95% 13
138% 12
215% 11

Class: Amazon
Weapon: Gothic Bow
Attack Type: Normal
Base Frames: 13
Weapon Speed: 10
Wereform Speed: 0
IAS from Skills: 0%

% IAS Frames
0% 15
5% 14
11% 13
22% 12
35% 11
56% 10
89% 9
147% 8