"Цветные сказки черно-белого кино..."
Last Day Of Sun
дневник заведен 12-10-2004
постоянные читатели [30]
Anre, Dark_Moon, Engel, eonefteme, ffffox, Ice-covered, jast_merridz, Last Day Of Sun, Lula, Marjerri, Meli, Nesta, PoweR666, Prikolist, Provod, Seele, Seraya, shoo, Smael_Eledven, Wida Winter, Астрид, Вавилонец, Женщина Синоптика, Источник, Крипто, Люций, ПЕПЯКАМОБИЛЕ, Сайко, Фаза Луны, Яяяя
Москва, Россия
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[5] 11-10-2010 14:38
Не курю

Last Day Of Sun
18-01-2006 13:04
It was in May...
Hottest May...
Red sun caressed your haer
And played with lovelocks on your face
The sky was huge... living sea
I stared to it and touched your warm hands
Felt your naked skin...

Still remember...
Lips... so wet...
It was last day
When we met...
Before the war shredded us...

And your eyes
Are staring to the sand, full of crimson (blood)
And your cryes
Are flying to the air, full of pain moans
Flying above the field,
Tell me - for what
We killed each others love ?
Conqueror of my heart...

It was in May...
Fatal May...
Your wisper was so insane
Your words were full, full of flame...
The morning dew
Woke me...
You lay beside
And on your face lay
Dew drops like your tears...

Still remember
Hands so strong
It was the last night
Of our love...

And your eyes
Are staring to the sand full of crimson (blood)
And your cryes
Are flying to the air full of pain moans
Flying above the field,
Tell me - for what
We killed each others love ?
Conqueror of my... of my... of my heart...

Ласкает слух: Autumn - The Conqueror of My Heart
Состояние: серость
А перевод знаешь?
AuroraAustralis Мэил ру кое-как зажёг... Мне понравилось. Не понравилось бы - я бы не скидывал...

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