09-09-2005 22:57 Перлы
Ничего убойного пока нету

Biol 100 TA:
Student: I am from London, Ontario, Canada
TA: Canadians. Blast it. Canadians.

Student: I am from Texas. <blablabla>
TA: Did you notice the Texan?
Student: It's a fun place!
TA: It's terrible.

"Now we are going to have discussion. A thorough but quick discussion so that I can go eat dinner."

"Spend some time. Go to lunch, go to parties, do some proofs together with your friends..."

"...Microsoft wants to own the world..."

Student: you usually use exceptions so that you can die gracefully.

Student: How much time would homework take for... normal people?
Instructor: If you are normal people you won't be in this class.

CS330 (крутой мужик, http://www.windley.com )
From FAQ:
Q: I hate Scheme! What can I do?
A: Get over it.

"You won't see people programming in Cobol or Fortran. At least on purpose."

"Please don't ever know anything on Cobol"

"Part of the fun of this class is see you struggle. We won't learn how to change variable values for weeks"

"Inside the computer there are little men with whiteboards who draw out lists with boxes and pointers"

Student: Scheme keeps data in address register and address in data register. Cool.

"Lambda is ALL-POWERFUL!"

" "It depends" is a right answer to the most questions in life"

Programmer: (and)
Scheme interpreter: true (ага. Результат выполнения функции (and) без аргументов возвращает истину)

"VI* is Turing-complete. If you want to write software in VI you are welcome!"

"Now I am going to make up some data and you are going to believe me because I am your professor and that's how it works."

"Pascal said: "M.equals...""

"I liked Moby Dick. I like broccoli too."

"Once I read a student's paper and kinda felt that this phrase is vaguely familiar. So I googled for it and guess what? I wrote it myself."

*VI- текстовый редактор под Линукс