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дневник заведен 11-01-2004
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[16] 21-02-2019 02:41

12-02-2007 14:46
Year 2007 Career

Provided by Astrology.com

With your outgoing nature and good work ethics, this is a great year to work with the public and let some of your hidden qualities shine outwardly. You are a good manager and make a wonderful role model to motivate others. Your high-minded principles spell success. Working in a higher educational field -- perhaps teaching philosophy or metaphysics -- would be very good for you. You feel comfortable teaching others about intangible principles because you've worked so hard to acquire your own self-awareness. Because of your compassion and being such a good listener, people feel drawn to you and look to you for advice.

Very ambitious and seriously striving to reach your goals, you will achieve success this year. You will be asked to step up to the plate in new ways to help others. You will go through a lot of powerful transformations throughout the year in your career. You may have sudden and surprising opportunities -- traveling to distant lands, perhaps -- and will benefit from taking advantage of them. Try exploring new horizons, since it is a good time to expand your repertoire of skills and knowledge.

You will benefit from grounding yourself from time to time in the practical considerations of life, especially since you will be asked to give out so much energy this year. Your work may be quite demanding, and sensitive Pisces needs to take time out just to relax, regroup and dream, especially when summer rolls around -- your favorite time of year. You need to recharge. Spend time alone in nature, especially by the sea.

/мечтательный вздох, подперев мордашку рукою...

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