28-11-2007 17:29
For many years, Matenko the great comedian, had performed in all the great theatres in the country, and was the particular favourite of the King and Queen, who he never failed to entertain with his brilliant wit and clever tricks. But now Matenko was growing old, people no longer laughed at his jokes and everyone had seen all his tricks a hundred times. Finally, it was decided that he must retire. The King invited Matenko to his palace and told him, 'The Queen and 1 are very sorry, Matenko, that it is time for you to retire. Take this purse of money with you when you go and live in your native village.' Matenko was heartbroken.

He and his wife sadly carried their belongings to the little cottage which the king had given them. Soon, they had almost no money left. 'How can I earn a living?' wondered Matenko. Telling jokes is the only trade I know.' At last the two old people were starving. 'There is nothing else to do but lie down and die said Matenko in despair one day. Then suddenly he had an idea. 'Wait, there is just one chance that we may not have to starve. Wanda, trust me and do just as I tell you.' Then Matenko explained his plan to her.

That evening Wanda put on her best clothes, and chopped a raw onion so that tears ran down her wrinkled cheeks. Then she went to the royal palace to see the Queen. 'Your Majesty,' she sobbed. 'My poor Matenko is dead.' The Queen felt very sorry for the old woman, and gave her a purse full of money to pay for a funeral and to buy food for herself. 'We have 50 gold pieces! Hoorah!' cried Matenko, and he danced around the little cottage as he counted the coins in the Queen's purse.

The next day, Matenko chopped another raw onion and went to the palace to see the King. 'Your Majesty,' he sobbed, 'my poor wife is dead.' The King felt very sorry for his old favourite and gave him a purse before sending him home. 'Hoorah!' cried Matenko when he reached home. 'Now we have 100 gold pieces ... a small fortune!!' Then he kissed his wife and told her the rest of his plan.

On the sideboard in their little cottage he set two big, lighted funeral candles, and beside them he laid the two purses with all the gold pieces still in them. Then he told Wanda to lie down on the bed. 'Cross your arms over your chest, and don't move. You must pretend to be dead,' he told her. Then he lay down beside her, crossing his arms over his chest. And so they lay and waited.

Meanwhile, as soon as Matenko had left the palace with his purse of coins, the King hurried to his wife's chamber to tell her that the old jester's wife had died. 'But, my dear, you must be mistaken,' said the Queen. 'It is the jester, not the jester's wife who is dead.' Then they began to quarrel about which one of them was right. In the end, they agreed to go to the jester's cottage to find out.

When they knocked and walked into the little cottage they found the candles lit, the purses on the sideboard and Matenko and Wanda, who were obviously dead. 'But which of them died first?' asked the Queen. 'It must have been Matenko.' 'No, it must have been Wanda,' said the King. They began to quarrel again, when Matenko jumped up from the bed and said, 'Your Majesty, my wife died first, but I was dead before her.' When they had recovered from their astonishment, the King and Queen were too happy to see the old couple still alive to be really angry When Matenko explained why they had pretended to be dead, the King and Queen promised to send them money whenever they needed it.

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