Замерки и приглючения
дневник заведен 29-09-2007
Крым, Украина
интересы [23]
[1] 21-01-2013 02:20

24-09-2009 11:24 Тест производительность рабочей машины.
Intel(R) LINPACK data

Current date/time: Thu Sep 24 10:21:00 2009

CPU frequency: 2.505 GHz
Number of CPUs: 4

Number of threads: 4
Parameters are set to:

Number of tests : 1
Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 15969
Leading dimension of array : 15969
Number of trials to run : 1
Data alignment value (in Kbytes) : 4

Maximum memory requested that can be used = 2040395164, at the size = 15969
============= Timing linear equation system solver =================

Size LDA Align. Time(s) GFlops Residual Residual(norm)
Error: info returned = 3277176
15969 15969 4 123.534 21.9805 2.693291e-010 3.741662e-002

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size LDA Align. Average Maximal
15969 15969 4 21.9805 21.9805

End of tests

Домашняя машина:
Intel(R) LINPACK data

Current date/time: Mon Mar 22 22:35:43 2010

CPU frequency: 2.405 GHz
Number of CPUs: 4

Number of threads: 4
Parameters are set to:

Number of tests : 1
Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 13937
Leading dimension of array : 13937
Number of trials to run : 1
Data alignment value (in Kbytes) : 4

Maximum memory requested that can be used = 1554202588, at the size = 13937
============= Timing linear equation system solver =================

Size LDA Align. Time(s) GFlops Residual Residual(norm)
13937 13937 4 95.501 18.9018 1.888195e-010 3.437120e-002

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size LDA Align. Average Maximal
13937 13937 4 18.9018 18.9018

End of tests

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