11:56 11-08-2008 I Wanna be the Guy
"Игра, которая люто ненавидит игрока, каждым своим пикселем"
"Ярчайший пример восьмибитного мазохизма"
А люди проходят.)

Качаеся здесь: http://kayin.pyoko.org/iwbtg/downloads.php

Остальное на википедии и ютубе.

Под катом часто задаваемые автору вопросы)

Q: You're a bastard.
A: Yes.

A: They're more like giant cherries....

Q: What the fuck is your problem?
A: I love too much. :(

Q: Why is this game so fucking hard?
A: A whim, really. I played a 2chan flash game that was stupid hard and thought "Hm, I can do better". I needed a practice project. It just happened to grow into a big game.

Q: Is this a reference to Homestar Runn~
A: NO. It resulted from me and my friend Eric babbling about stuff. I forgot the exact conversation but I was talking about the game premise and Eric said something like "It should be Guy Quest 64"(It was a different name involving Guy) "Dude, I'm never going to let you be a Guy." "But I wanna be the Guy. :(" .... And I instantly laughed at the idea of using that for the name. But yes, I'm pretty sure both of that saw the Homestar runner clip and it is theoretical that it planted the mental foot note for us to come up with the name, but it is in no way a reference.

Q: You just make it hard as a substitute for good level design.
A: I've heard this on several occasions and this one pisses me off a little. I'm not going to pretend to be a master level designer, but comments like this are ignorent to what is actually 'good level design. While games like Knytt (not to diss it, the games are fantastic) are hailed for excellent level design, the design is almost entirely graphical and have no significient impact on game play. A screen can be made in a matter of minutes if it doesn't contain any unique entities. the majority of them also likely only take a few moments of testing.

I on the other hand have to come up with something new and surprising on basically every screen. Half the screens have unique events and situations programmed expressly for them. Each level has to be play tested over and over again to find a balance in difficulty and avoid easy exploits. I must keep the game difficult, but balanced. I must keep the player on their toes and yet still have to surprise them when they're most alert. If I randomly kill the player to much he loses interest. If I'm too kind he grows weak and loses his fearfulness. I'd say I do a pretty damn good job of this and I work my ass off to make every screen interesting.

Besides, if the game is too hard for you to play, you can't have an opinion on this anyways, since you obviously can't actually see more then 3 screens.

Q: What do I do at the game over room?
A: It's the only actual intended dead end in the game. It might serve like a 'Cranky Kong' in later versions, giving out advice. Maybe.
21:40 12-08-2008
Потратил на нее десять минут. Крайнее правое яблоко понравилось :)
22:33 12-08-2008