28-02-2004 15:13 Ambrus Varga2 » Polytrans for Maya?? Do you have it?
Please do you have a download link for Polytrans for Maya the full version not the demo?

Even just the Maya plugin to go in the bin folder would be good.

Polytrans for 3dsmax is here:

Пожалуйста Вы имеете связь разгрузки для Polytrans для Maya полной версией не демонстрационный пример?

И даже только майя, вставной входить в папку bin был бы хорошим.

Polytrans для 3dsmax - здесь:
http: //
29-02-2004 11:47
Polytrans 4.1 for Alias Wavefront Maya (addon) є
є є
є Supplier...: Okino Released..: 12/28/03 є
є Cracker....: CT O/S.......: Win32 є
є Packager...: CT Disks.....: 02 є
є Protection.: Node Locked ID є


29-02-2004 22:43
Thank you for your reply.

The URL you give does not work for me. I have tried it in Internet Explorer 6. It comes up "The page cannot be found".

In Netscape 7 it redirects to a file with a different address but does not download. It comes back " 404 Not Found error ".

Does this link work for you? Please could you post another link?

Спасибо за ваш ответ.

URL, который Вы даете, не работает для меня. Я пробовал это в Internet Explorer 6. Это подошло "страница, не может быть найден".

В Netscape 7 это переадресовывает к файлу с различным адресом, но не загружает. Это возвращается "404 Не Найденная ошибка".

Это связывает работу для Вас? Пожалуйста Вы могли объявить другую связь?

01-03-2004 04:57
don't use a dl manger.
same password.


02-03-2004 18:15
Thanks. This Polytrans for Maya is for Maya 3.0 or Maya 4.0. Does someone have it for 4.5?

When I unrar this file only the Maya 3.0 plugin unrars successfully the Maya 4.0 plugin doesn't unrar.

03-03-2004 03:03
Extract both rars.
Maya 3.0, 4.0, 4.5 & 5.0 all working!

03-03-2004 12:29
I download PolytransMaya.rar
I unrar to Folder PolytransMaya enter as the password.
Within the PolytransMaya folder is a "Polytrans.4.1.for.Alias.Wavefront.Maya.(addon)-CT" folder, within that folder is 1 file "ct-ptmay.r00"

I think there should have been a "ct-ptmay.rar" file that should have been in PolytransMaya.rar but was not.

When I try to unrar "ct-ptmaya.r00" on its own I open it in the unrar program it lists the following:

"Maya 3.0" folder
"Maya 4.0" folder

when I select all the above and extract them the error message comes up:
"CRC error: File:.................Maya 4.0\bin\plug-ins\ptio.mll could not be extracted correctly!"

I think this is due to the "ct-ptmaya.rar" file not being present. I've tried downloading the PolytransMaya.rar twice and both version behave the same as above.
Please could you put a link to the ct-ptmaya.rar? Thank you.

03-03-2004 15:13
I've compressed it into 1 rar file.

same pass.


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