29-06-2005 23:21 о идиотах
Послал короративное письмо всем в компании:

Virus activity has been increased in the past few days. First Dianna got a virus and it took me half of the day to fix her computer, then Maxim (another day of mine wasted). Ok, I'm still working on catching virus-makers and ripping their hands off, and sending them to my boys after. In a meanwhile - please, don't open any of the attachments besides JPG, DOC, XLS and PDF's - those are pictures, MS word, Excel and Adobe PDF documents. The rest (especially ZIP and RAR's) are most likely the viruses - especially from such clients as (no one can send anything from this account, 'cause it's not even an account) or any other account that you don't know.
Thank you for your help
P.S. In addition to that - lot's of virus attachments might have names like ILOVEYOU, IWANTYOU or IHATEYOU. OK - no one actually loves you, or especially wants you, so disregard it, those people are lying - they don't want you, they want me to suffer.
30-06-2005 03:12
Гыгы, вирусчиститель по совместительству))
Идиотов хватает на всю жизнь....
.S. In addition to that - lot's of virus attachments might have names like ILOVEYOU, IWANTYOU or IHATEYOU. OK - no one actually loves you, or especially wants you, so disregard it, those people are lying - they don't want you, they want me to suffer.
