- cats allowed. ~is under J. Williams "Hologram"
Инсейшбл :)
дневник заведен 03-08-2003
постоянные читатели [6]
Creative emotion, RedLine Graphics, TimeLine Flash, Букля_, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Скромняга-2
Липецк, Россия
интересы [89]
спорт, друзья, солнце, благородство, фотографии, живопись, X-Files, любовь, ночное небо, футбол, звездные войны, гитара, красота, испанский язык, пицца, мартини, дети, сказки, поцелуи, дождь, Амели, Властелин Колец, Ричард Бах, мороженое, Семья, звездное небо, кактусы, дневники, Готика, мечты, сны, ежики, эльфы, снег, бананы, Eminem, прогулки, Star Wars, Матрица, ЦСКА, пляж, анимэ, джедаи, soundtracks, John Williams, Лермонтов, Леголас, круассаны с джемом, бисер, панды, мопсы, тульские пряники, нубиан, ван Нистелрой, радуга, ландшафтный дизайн, сайтоваяние, верхний парк, эвоки, Голландия, лотосы, танцы-обниманцы, настоящая любовь, венки, Татуин, Robbie Williams, детектив, симсы, Некрасов, неординарность, чай с сахаром, Мэнсон, японский стиль, майский дождь, Люк Скайуокер, облака, SMS, реал, агрессивные переговоры, X-Wing, Заоблачный Город, Дагоба, Тысячелетний Сокол, R2-D2, Бэкхем, Лара Кроффт, Би, Зион, муштровать
антиресы [13]
подлость, предательство, ревность, телевизор, уборка, ситхи, темная сторона силы, штурмовики, орки, кАзлы, Агент Смит, муштровать, телефонные справочники онлайн
[5] 21-12-2003 17:35
Special 4 DedO

Инсейшбл :)
01-11-2003 22:54
Currnet music: Sugababes - Shape

I live my life in chains
Got my hands in chains
And I can't stick with the cards
That I got with a deal
Like this I must insist
That a girl's got more to do
Then be the way you think a woman should
I'm taking it into my own hands
In this man's land I can understand
Why I'm taking command
Had enough of stuff
And now it's time to think about me, me yeah
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
I've always played it safe nothing's ever safe
Give me the courage to back my own convictions
Every decision I make I pay it back and more
Now turn the cards and let them fall to me
Cos I don't need to play on with the hand that they have given me
I'll give it back cos it's not the way it has to be
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape
The shape of my heart
My heart
That's not the shape of my heart
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it's all good
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second
And day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day
And a cool deal of life for me
And it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape
The shape of my heart