Дневник z01da
дневник заведен 11-02-2003
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ANN_in da club, circles, greenair, karamazoff brothers, Kassandr, SOLO, Spitfire
[2] 02-12-2003 18:25
Learned smth today

Забрел случайно
12-11-2003 23:52 Reflections on Science and the Modern World
The core beliefs of the individual are not something that he or she is born with. Our environment and enculturation provide us with our abilities of understanding this world. To say the least, our understanding is limited to our language; we cannot know anything that we cannot describe. I believe that I and my contemporaries are the children of their times. My worldview is similar to those who grew up in the western society on the brink of twenty-first century, hence my first core belief that permeates the rest of my personal philosophy: there are limits to our existence and understanding.
History has proven wrong those who advocate the uniqueness of homo sapiens. If we are positively different in kind rather then degree from animals, WWII would never happen. Nor would we face the consequences of global warming. I believe that human beings are the best animals that Nature has created, but they are still animals. I like the analogy with fish in an aquarium while reflecting on humanity. In this anecdote, the fish asks: “If there is no God, then who feeds us?” This is very illuminating example of the limits of understanding imposed by biological factors.
To think that humans can be free from the animal ancestry and limits of natural necessity is to ignore the objective evolutionary staircase below humanity. If we know that there is a multitude of more primitive life forms it would be logical to infer that there are more advanced beings of which we cannot know. We may think of these life forms to be God or Destiny but the truth is that we simply do not know.
Rather than jumping bandwagon of the new scientific of philosophical theory I prefer to acknowledge that every theory has its rights to exist. Basically I am an agnostic like millions of other people around the world. Actually I think that people who have access to media and education should be agnostics, because how one can make sense of the multitude of different worldviews, from religion to physics?
The only real and objective thing in this world for me is the fact of our existence and our biology suggests that human beings are very similar to animals and thus the same principles that we use to approach animal kingdom are applicable to our existence.

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