20-08-2009 04:52 The present simple tense (negative forms)
Отрицательная форма простого настоящего времени.

В отрицательных формах после вспомогательного и перед основным глаголом употребляется частица not, обычно в сокращенной форме.

I don't look.
You don't look.
He doesn't look.
She doesn't look.
It doesn't look.
We don't look.
They don't look.

Я часто танцую.
I often dance - Do I often dance? - I don't often dance

1) Я всегда читаю газеты по утрам.
I always read newspapers in the mornings - Do I always read newspapers in the mornings? - I don't always read newspapers in the morning.
2) Ты редко играешь в теннис.
You seldom play tennis - Do you seldom play tennis? - You don't play tennis.
3) Он часто смотрит телевизор по выходным.
He often watches TV at week-ends - Does he often watches TV at week-ends? - He don't often watches TV at week-ends.
4) Она иногда готовит обед.
She sometimes makes dinner - Does she sometimes makes dinner? - She don't sometimes makes dinner.
5) Она очень часто готовит обеды для всей семьи.
She makes dinners for all family very often - Does she make dinners for all family very often - She don't makes dinners for all family very often.
6) Мы довольно редко ходим в кино.
We go to the cinema rather seldom - Do wego to the cinema rather seldom? - We don't go to the cinema rather seldom.
7) Зимой редко идут дожди.
In winter it seldom rain - Does it seldom rain in winter? - It don't seldom rain in winter.
8) Я каждый день хожу на работу.
I go to work every day - Dо I go to work every day? - I don't go to work every day.
9) Ты часто мешаешь мне по вечерам.
You often bother me in the evenings - Do you often bother me in the evenings? - You don't often bother in the evenings.
10) По выходным они обычно приходят вовремя.
They usually come on time on one's free - Do they usually come on time on one's free? - They usually come on time on one's free.

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