Дневник ANTI geroj
дневник заведен 10-11-2003
постоянные читатели [10]
4ervja4ok, Blessed, brainless_sniff, Freija, Ginger Fish, Hydralisk, The very essence, Котеночек, Письма, Скарлетт
Москва, Россия
26-03-2004 03:54
well, well, well...
hello there my dear diary... so!? so the amazing things keep happening over here...
how? I a'int got a clue... they just happen'... so? well, you see, its kind of like passing some kind of a trashhold... once you 've been there you might not come back...
and why am I here today?
You see diary it happends to be so that it was today, or actually yestarday that I found out that probably, or actually most likely, I'm gona pass the test... probaly the second most important test in my intire life... which would be getting my education... yeap... that's it... there it comes !!!
it is solid and with in the reach!
my exam!!! my f*cking final exam !
If I do get passed with my long due essay, I accutally might become a free man... well, ofcourse free with a lot of "buts", "do's" n' "don'ts"...
final exam... what a sweat word... and imagine if some day some time in the future, I'll f*cking finaly will get my diploma !??!?! I'm frame it... and put it next to the most important paper in my life... so there they ll' be... most important paper,+ ґthe diploma... hmmmm.... that would be something wont it?