Молот Торы
11:55 02-04-2011
Повелитель Мух » Взаимная пустая ненависть, которая когда-то разрушила 2 храм
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23:56 23-09-2008
We recognize in every religion an attempt to grasp the Infinite, and in every mode, source or book of revelation, held sacred in any religious system, the consciousness of the indwelling of God in man. We hold that Judaism presents the highest conception of the God-idea as taught in our Holy sсriptures and developed and spiritualized by the Jewish teachers, in accordance with the moral and philosophical progress of their respective ages. We maintain that Judaism preserved and defended, midst continual struggles and trials and under enforced isolation, this God-idea as the central religious truth for the human race.

© Pittsburgh Platform , 1885

отредактировано: 24-09-2008 07:19 - Молот Торы
