00:58 20-06-2005
00:50 20-06-2005
спасибо тебе, солнышко.
именно это и было мне нужно: тёплый взгляд, твоя рука на моих волосах, мимолётный поцелуйчик.
твоя нежность - то, что даёт мне силы горы сворачивать.
люблю тебя.

Норки [ семья ]
00:03 20-06-2005
загрузила фотку, которая на аватаре.
Race Analysis:
42% Eastern European
58% Anglo Saxon

Gender: FEMALE

Personality Profile Rank.

Intelligence 6.8 Very Intelligent
Risk 6.4 Average Risk
Ambition 5.1 Average Ambition
Gay Factor 1.9 Very Low Gay Factor
Honor 6.5 High Honor
Politeness 7.0 High Politeness
Income 5.3 $30,000 - $50,000
Sociability 7.4 High Sociability
Promiscuity 3.9 Low Promiscuity


Personality Profile:

You particularly enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of the simple pleasures you indulge in. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

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