20-06-2005 00:03
загрузила фотку, которая на аватаре.
Race Analysis:
42% Eastern European
58% Anglo Saxon

Gender: FEMALE

Personality Profile Rank.

Intelligence 6.8 Very Intelligent
Risk 6.4 Average Risk
Ambition 5.1 Average Ambition
Gay Factor 1.9 Very Low Gay Factor
Honor 6.5 High Honor
Politeness 7.0 High Politeness
Income 5.3 $30,000 - $50,000
Sociability 7.4 High Sociability
Promiscuity 3.9 Low Promiscuity


Personality Profile:

You particularly enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of the simple pleasures you indulge in. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

...заливаю другое фото... результат:
...я, конечно, согласна, фото неудачное... но чтоб настолько!


Personality Profile:

Your main drive is to be admired by those with similar interests to you. Money and influence is not of your concern. You are interested and may be active in certain political movements which you consider to be moral. You may act or dress in a unique way to reflect your eccentric personality. Your emotions fluctuate fairly often resulting in you going through incredible highs and devastating lows. When someone is attacking you personally you tend to ignore them, for you do not like to argue with those who you consider to be barbaric. You may however simply be fearful and timid. You generally enjoy interacting with other and have some acquaintances.

You may enjoy using drugs to escape reality and explore different perspectives. You spend much of your time doing what you love. You are employed for the sole reason of sustaining yourself. You may even be unemployed. But you may be great at your passion and making good money off of it.

Beta Artist: Somewhat intelligent. Adopts styles like goth; styles that are unconventional and are intended to show their uniqueness.

Expected Occupations: Social Worker, Chef, Music Producer, Theater Actor, Theater/Film Director, Physical Therapist

...эт, конечно, не совсем Артист в соционическом смысле.. но таки Бета!

хихи.. третий раз...

70% Southern European
30% Anglo Saxon

Personality Profile

Intelligence 6.1 Average Intelligence
Risk 4.2 Low Risk
Ambition 5.7 Average Ambition
Gay Factor 1.3 Very Low Gay Factor
Honor 4.7 Average Honor
Politeness 6.3 Average Politeness
Income 6.2 $30,000 - $50,000
Sociability 6.2 Average Sociability
Promiscuity 3.7 Low Promiscuity

Personality Profile:

You have social courage and as a consequence are open and extroverted. You are seen as a well known person who is liked and is involved in many social events. You feel confident about your position in social situations and will not hesitate to say what you believe. You do not like too much responsibility, but you do not mind being in the social center. You must know everything that is going on in your greater social circle and spend a lot of time talking to others to find out the latest gossip. You tend to be friendly, but can be criticizing when you see others as thinking of themselves too much.

You prefer to work in challenging people oriented jobs where you can compete against others and rise in the ranks. Others usually like you but can sometimes be intimidated by your outspoken comments and criticisms although they do not show it.
People tend to feel comfortable around you and respect your opinion. You can use this social weight to get things done for you but usually opt not to call in favours people owe you.

Expected Occupations: Sales representative, Teacher, Aesthetician, Hair Stylist, Artist, Actor, Social Worker, Manager

и чего я только до сих пор актёром не работаю? стоит улыбнуться - и мне бездушная железяка карьер актёра с 30-50 тысячами дохода обещает!

осколок зеркала
Слушай, извини за тупость, а где именно там этот анализ сделать можно? У меня там по этому адресу только вэб серч вылазит с категориями

Emptyness хмм... там раньше сайт был.. теперь, как я вижу, ерунда какая-то... странно.. может, они за хостинг не заплатили?

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