01:57 17-05-2017
00:13 17-05-2017
[Kripparrian] The Big Problems In Hearthstone »


* The game has too much RNG. There will always be RNG in card games, but too many strong cards also have RNG effects (e.g. Primordial Glyph into a 4 mana Meteor or 5 mana Flamestrike -- how do you play around that? answer, you can't)
* Arena is kinda broken right now. Mage rogue & paladin rule, priest is OK, the others all stink
* Losing to RNG effects feels bad & doesn't teach you anything about the game. No need or way to improve your strategy, the other guy just had better luck than you
* Cards with RNG effects also dilute the impact of skill & experience. A relative newbie who draws great RNG cards (i.e. who can afford them, or who spent bank to open or craft the great cards) will often beat a longtimer who doesn't have or doesn't draw great RNG cards
* The game in general has become too expensive for many people. More legendaries in the new expansion, and going to 3 expansions per year instead of 2 + an adventure, etc
* The most recent Heroic Tavern Brawl was crap. Too expensive so few people tried it, and cites a Reddit poll that said most people completely ignored the last HTB
* The dev team better get cracking, because there are many competitors out there providing better play experience, more generous to new players, or both.

Bottom line, HS is still a good game but not as good as it used to be, and Arena is in real trouble

Из хорошего:

1. Дейлики с друзьями.
2. Импорт/экспорт колод в тхт.