Бэкки Тэтчер
10-03-2010 21:30
I'm so tired.
I feel like hell. And I look like a hell too. Like a vampire, you know. xoxo
Это [ TOEFL ]
йя птичко живучая)
The vampire?... I like vampires

Funny little bookworm
You won't like me, I swear!))

йя птичко живучая)
I do not trust you!

Funny little bookworm
Do you really need picture of morning in chinese village?

Do you really need picture of morning in chinese village?

The main thing you love this work. And your trips too. And, certainly, you are charming even in the morning in the сhinese village

Tiny annoying thing
Baudolino of course I AM charming and gorgeous every day)))
But thank you anyway.
And you are right again. I love my work. Not every part of it, but who does? And I love trips, but still, I'm very, very tired even now.

of course I AM charming and gorgeous every day)))
Всегда пожалуйста.
Да, это так. Действительно, who does?
Знаю, но что поделаешь - сама выбрала и работу и график. Продержишься до лета, отдохнешь.

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