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16-02-2005 22:07 Megadest
Зомби атакуют!
(Статья по ссылке удалена, но она лежит в комменте)
И первыми это узнали весьма уважаемые граждане из RIAA.
Интересно, а скольким не повезло вовремя умереть?

отредактировано: 22-02-2005 16:11 - Megadest

22-02-2005 16:09
Dead Woman, Who Didn't Have Computer, Sued For Music Trading

The recording industry sued Gertrude Walton, accusing her of illegally trading music over the Internet as "smittenedkitten."

But the lawsuit was filed more than a month after the 83-year-old woman died in December, and her daughter says Walton hated computers, anyway.

A group of record companies named Walton as the sole defendant in a federal lawsuit, claiming she made more than 700 songs available for free on the Internet.

Walton's daughter, Robin Chianumba, lived with her mother for the last 17 years and said her mother objected to having a computer in the house.

"My mother wouldn't know how to turn on a computer," Chianumba said.

She said she faxed a copy of her mother's death certificate to record company officials several days before the lawsuit was filed, in response to a letter from the company regarding the upcoming legal filing.

"I am pretty sure she is not going to leave Greenwood Memorial Park (where she is buried) to attend the hearing," Chianumba said.

A Recording Industry Association of America spokesman said Thursday that Walton was likely not the smittenedkitten it's searching for.

"Our evidence gathering and our subsequent legal actions all were initiated weeks and even months ago," said RIAA spokesman Jonathan Lamy. "We will now, of course, obviously dismiss this case."

Thanks to : RIAA News

P.S. Guess the courts will have a Ouija Board our to ask the dead woman??
22-02-2005 16:19
Американская ассоциация по защите авторских прав (RIAA) подала в суд на почтенную бабушку 83-х лет. Которая, к тому же, успела умереть примерно за месяц до этого.
Обвиняют ее в незаконном распространении музыки через Интернет.

Ее дочь утверждает, что у старушки и компьютера-то не было. "Она бы его и включить не смогла".

И еще процитирую дочь бедной бабушки:
"Я лично уверена, что она не собирается покидать свое уютное кладбище для того, чтобы присутствовать на судебном заседании".

Пресс-секретарь RIAA заявил, что "Видимо, это все таки не пользователь smittenedkitten, которого мы искали".

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