25-02-2005 10:47 Перлы
CS412 (Sean Warnick):
-Would anyone object to having homework due two days later?

-I wanted to do something practical because I never did anything practical.

CS240 (Ken Rodham):
-This is big enough to cause problems, which is what we want.

Пишет команду: "make deleteallofmyhardworksothatiwouldhavetodoeverythingagain"

-If you don't like new memory leak management tools, I'll introduce you to the old ones. The old tools said: "You have a memory leak somewhere. Good luck."

-This is my webcloner program. The whole of it, right here on the board. What would happen if I try to compile it? Well, it would say: "I don't know what URL is, I don't know what directory is, I don't know what cloner is... (пауза)... idiot."

-I don't want to lay at night wondering when my stack blows up.

Пишет псевдокод:
"If another resource available
___allocate a dialog box
___if dialog box successfully allocated...
Спрашивает: does anyone actually program like this?
Студент: Yes. It didn't compile.

-Evil spirits are modifying my objects without my permission.

-Java uses mark-and-sweep algorithm. Mark-and-sweep algorithm consists of two parts:... (пауза)... mark and sweep.

Студент рассказывает про Микрософт: "When Windows 95 came out it was at the same time as Boeing 777. And there were more lines of code in Windows 95 than in everything in 777. Now, I don't want Microsoft to have programmed the Boeing"
Немедленная реакция зала:
-Blue screen in the cockpit.
-General mechanical failure. A/R/I?
-Could not find any fuel. Should I send an automatic report to base?
-Are you sure you want to turn? OK/Cancel?
Обычное голосование (не ограничено по времени и количеству проголосовавших)
Кто здесь?
• Я!
• Нас тут много.
• Кто-то другой.
• Че за голосование такое странное?
• Виндовс маздай!
Всего проголосовало: 14.
Заведено: 25-02-2005 10:51