Бункер Queen...
Королевский двор
клуб заведен 05-04-2005
постоянные читатели [22]
Dea, gur, Jealousy, miss Vampyrus, pomponaz, Prikolist, Roger Taylor, Slightly Mad, smirnoffff, Stalk, Vampire_Daphna, Андрейка, Букля_, Вечный изгнанник, Денис Ричардз, Королевский двор, Котенок Мур, Котик Оскар, Кудрявая Бри, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Скромняга-2, та_самая_я
хранители [3]
Jealousy, Roger Taylor, Денис Ричардз
участники [14]
Biggest, blackpuma_lara, Creative emotion, Hrofyaltur Censoriel, Innuendo, Jealousy, Jelita, miss Vampyrus, Roger Taylor, Slightly Mad, Денис Ричардз, Котенок Мур, Котик Оскар, Кудрявая Бри
интересы [10]
Queen, понимание, взаимопомощь, Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Куиноманы всех масте й и пород, Любовь к ближнему
антиресы [10]
Ахундова, Измененные, Рамазанова, Мэри Остин, Пол Роджерс, Алекс со сломанным позвоночником, неприятности с милицией
06-06-2005 18:16 Филин Ю » дневник Брайана Мэя
**Mon 06 Jun 05**

Tickets for the LIVE 8 London concert in Hyde Park will be allocated via a text competition. The competition is open to UK and Channel Islands' residents aged 16 or over.

For the chance to win a pair of tickets to the London event send us your answer to this simple question:

What city is the forthcoming G8 summit being held near this July?

A) Berlin B) Moscow C) Edinburgh

Text A, B or C to 84599*

You can enter as many times as you like for a better chance of winning.

No entries will be accepted before 00:01 on the 6th June.

Each entry costs £1.50* plus your operator's standard text charge.

The text competition will close at midnight on the 12th June. Winners will be chosen at random by computer and notified by text message after the 13th June with details of how they can collect their tickets - either online or from collection points around the UK.

Due to the tight deadlines we are working to, you will need to be able to collect your tickets within ten days of notification of winning, otherwise you will forfeit them.

Participants can also enter the competition by sending their response A, B or C on a postcard with their full name and address to:

Live 8 Ticket Competition,
PO Box 4026,
Leamington Spa,
CV31 9AZ

Note this route of entry closes at 1pm on Friday 10th June

* Ask bill payer's permission before texting. The first £1.6 million raised from the text competition will go to The Prince's Trust which is sharing a proportion of the income with Help a London Child. The rest, after paying the costs of the global LIVE 8 concerts (free events), will go to the Band Aid Trust. Full terms and conditions are available online here:
Full terms and conditions

Other Venues

Other venues do not require tickets – details on how to attend will follow shortly.


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