» Poor Yorick » Второе внимание
Aldous Huxley "Those barren leaves" (1925)
..wasn't all that merely for the sake of keeping her emotions in training?

Good morning, stranger. How goes your soul? And what shall we do to be saved?

It was enough for me that I existed and that things were happening to me.

If Etruscan didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent it

If loving without being loved in return may be ranked as one of the most painful of experiences, being loved without loving is certainly one of the most boring. Perhaps no experience is better calculated to make one realize the senselessness of the passion. The spectacle of some one making a fool of himself arouses only laughter. When one is playing the fool oneself, one weeps. But when one is neither the active imbecile nor the disinterested spectator, but the unwilling cause of somebody else's folly—then it is that one comes to feel that weariness and that disgust which are the proper, the human reaction to any display of the deep animal stupidity that is the root of all evil.

Perhaps if you spend long enough and your mind is the right sort of mind, perhaps you really do get, in some queer sort of way, beyond the limitations of ordinary existence. And you see that everything that seems real is in fact entirely illusory—maya, in fact, the cosmic illusion. Behind it you catch a glimpse of reality.

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