кумир молодежи
дневник заведен 19-02-2003
постоянные читатели [104]
-=PLAY=-, -=Politics=-, Agneshka, android##paranoid, Art`Is, AxelJent, Azazel, azsh, brownie, Carlo Gambino, chasoslov, chilli, Clockwork orange, crazy_drive, DVD, eroticplanet, Ethereal, everestic, ExpAnd, Fiery Birds, FileJunkie, fl@sh, fragment, Frag_Factory, gav-gav, glv12 Marla Zinger, got4a, HaH-uH, Irischka, IronFist, KBH, Korsar, L-O-V-E-i-s-L-O-L, Lucky Star, Mantissa, Matrix, mc2, Mirabelle, molli, Monkhermit, Nau, Olga Davice, Patreek The Telkas, Pomme_orange_girl, private property, PUT_IN, Rocsi, rusak, Samum, SENSU, Slotos, SOLO, Stap, Stargazer, Tamit, tea_tree, TeMa-6eweHblu, Track, Turol, Unbelivable, VasyPypkin, vitalka, wengl, Yurick, Барби, Белокурая Бестия, Букля, Букля_, Винченсо, Дейдре, Димоновский, Другой Поэт, Журнал, Зинка, ИНННННННОЧКА, Клуб АРХипелаг, Клуб Проблем, Королева Кошка, КП(б), Ленивый Книжный Бар, меЛиссса, Мир Труд Мвй, Москви4ка, Не твое солнце, Новый_Год, Опаленные Крылья, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Пилат П., Письма, Польский вопрос, родители, С миру по сусекам, Скерцо, Скромняга-2, Служба поддержки Н, Случайный гость, Спорт-бар, Счастливая Женщина, Та, кто шепчет, трактир, Тривиальное чтиво, ФК Камрад, Футболофилки, Штурман
Москва, Россия
[5] 02-01-2005 23:47

Infatuated me
Понедельник, 17 Ноября 2003 г.
23:36 ЗВ (точнее, ЗС)
Пам пам пам пам па пам пам па пам пум пум пум пум пу пууум =)
00:51 выборы 2003
Sunday, November 16, 2003 3:43 p.m. ET

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia Sunday failed for a third time in just over a year to elect a new president as voter turnout fell far short of the 50 percent required to make the election valid, figures provided by independent monitors showed.

The non-governmental Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID) estimated final turnout at 38.3 percent of the 6.5 million electorate. Two attempts to elect a head of state failed last year because of insufficient turnout.


16 Nov 2003, 17:58 UTC

In the southern U.S. state of Louisiana, voters have elected their first-ever woman governor, who narrowly defeated a man who would have become the first Indian-American governor. The election represents change for Louisiana and a boost for Democrats nationwide.
Louisiana's next governor will be Democrat Kathleen Blanco, a 60-year-old former teacher who has served as Lieutenant Governor for the past eight years. For weeks she had been running slightly behind her Republican opponent, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, a 32-year-old son of immigrants from India, whose candidacy drew international attention. But in the last week, vigorous campaigning by Mrs. Blanco helped her pull ahead and reach victory.

Voice of America