23-02-2004 23:17 school.....
first day back at school, after one week, strange thing.....
right after entering i met some of my classmates, they ask me how it was, but somehow it was like, as if i had never been gone,......
when i went into the classroom, everybody is busy with studying for pschology, again, noone seems to think i´ve been gone for a week.
short before the clock strikes arseny and aljoscha show up to say good bye, they´re retelling some of the german phrases they´ve learnt in that week, schuh´s smiling,....
the bell rings and i´m looking for my sister so she can say good bye too, everything went so fast, i didn´t even recognize it really, it was like saying "bye" for one day, no tears, even though i won´t see them for at least more than one year, what´s wrong????
kiss, hug, and they were gone, i couldn´t even look how they left, because i had to go to my classroom, the door was already closed.....
at some time in the middle of the first lesson, it started to snow, no more snow please, i had enough of it in that one week.....................
now it´s late in the evening and it still snows!!!
the day went by and some of the teachers recognized that i´m back, they tell me what to do, what things i´ve missed.
russian lesson: we´ve started with a new schoolbook, for some reason i have no idea what it´s all about, my teacher asks me questions, i throw some disorganized words at her, we listen to a tape, but even though it´s russian who speak on the tape it´s strange, they´re talking so slowly and so strange, the russian i´ve heard on the skiweek, was totally different: quicker and not so clearly spoken, but i understood it quite well. this voice on the tape was like "talking to a fool" and this fool was me!! my teacher wants to send me to the "russian olympics", well ok, russian doesn´t let go of me at the moment anyway, it seems to be everywhere, is it my new mother tongue or have i heard so much of it?????????
anyway, i don´t wanna bother myself with that question, it´s useless, i like this language and for some reason i´m rather sure that i´ll return to moscow one day, probably not this summer but presumably after the final exams......
the rest of the day was rather boring and just went by, i went home through a lot of snow, my sister bothered me with some stupid game, i´m sitting in my room to write things i´ve missed last week, looking for some clothes to dress up tomorrow at carnival (i finally decided to dress up as gypsy) and outside it´s still snowing.....................