10-02-2004 00:29 brigada creatiff
Бачинскому со Стиллавиным - твёрдая пятёрка за это... за этот апофеоз глумливости. Накрыло так, что даже сел и застенографировал на слух всю ту чухню, что они в микрофон наговорили. Лучше, конечно, скачать и послушать, там всего 900 килобайт, английский на уровне шестого класса, а произношение – как у моей школьной учительницы, исключает неправильное толкование.

This is a true story about the genesis of russian criminal world.

– Okay, listen to me boys! Just don't give me wrong.

One upon a time in the end of the Perestroika, russian boy Alexander White come home from the Soviet Army. His girl betray him and she is sleeping with a bandit. Alexander White was very angry, but he had faithful schoolmates, the Space, the Bee and the boxer Phill. They shoot the bandit and so, they become bandits too.

Our bandits come to moscow aluminium oligarch and say: "Now we are your roof!" Aluminium oligarch was very afraid and disappear. White and his friends become owners of big aluminium business and they get very big money. They purchase luxurious cars Mercedes-Benz and applied for a dirty job many young bandits. And they become the kings of life.
Alexander fall in love with beautiful girl who was playing a violin.
And his friend, the Space, fall in love with cocain.

– I'm talking seriously. They will shoot me. But the bullet can hit you!
– Alexander! This is our common business! We are together since 4th class.
– And all we do is our common responsibility!

The ma-a-afia-a!

But nobody loves another success. Other russian bandits want to kill Alexander White and his friends and they put the explosives into Mercedes-Benz. The car was destroyed but Alexander White is life because his friend Phill saved him. Phill got into the coma. It was the revenge of a former malicious man who was a brother of the bandit killed in the beginning of this fantastic motion picture.

But Alexander White and his friedns continue the business. They meet Middle Asia drug dealer who was Alexander's big friend when they were soviet soldiers in the Soviet Army, they were smoking marijuana. The same time KGB officers wanted to get control over Alexander White and his friends. This was a very complicated situation.

The ma-a-afia-a!

Alexander White understand that only the political activity can save the criminal business. And Alexander becomes the deputy of russian parliament. But his enemies don't sleep. They killed Alexander's friends Phill, the Space and the Bee. And lonely authority makes his big decision. He sends his family to some country of third world and declares total deathmatch vendetta on his enemies. Blood fills up russian television sets.

– Mother darling! It is fun to live in Russia. Fu-un!

P.S. [Ностальгирует по Акакию Назарычу Зюрльберштенко и Торвлабнору Петровичу Пуздому с их нетленной радиопередачей "Квачи прилетели", если кто застал]
P.P.S. They may laugh after "lopata" word!

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