Fairy tales of the Grey Owl
The Grey Owl
дневник заведен 03-11-2004
постоянные читатели [51]
AlexNT, Anvielle, Biohazard, blackberrry, Bladewalker, Blis, Cilya, Darksoul, Dark_Moon, Darth Schturmer, Desperate, FVTVRE, glv12 Marla Zinger, greekheart, Humour_Club, isk, James, Kyk, LAKI-, Liberta, Mechanic, Neul Nightline, Nordisk Vind, RedLine Graphics, Rogue, Seraya, Stein um Stein, Sunako, The Grey Owl, TheSlaughterer, TiGRovaia COBA, toskun_i_blyaka, VorteX DrAgON, Weoure, Yamato, Алиса Э, Белокурая Бестия, Буча, ДамТеррион, Динго, Дорогая редакция, Ело4ка, Карпатский ёж, Королева Кошка, Летучий Мыш, Осколки_Твоей_Души, Плюшевый Ублюдок, С а т о р и, Сайко, удалилась, Филавандрель
Германия, Магдебург
интересы [60]
[53] 04-10-2016 18:22

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[6] 06-05-2014 08:32

The Grey Owl
22-03-2007 10:34
I love my computer
You make me feel alright
Every waking hour
And every lonely night
I love my computer
For all you give to me
Predictable errors and no identity
And it's never been quite so easy
I've never been quite so happy
All I need to do is click on you
And we'll be joined
In the most soul-less way
And we'll never
Ever ruin each other's day
Cuz when I'm through I just click
And you just go away
I love my computer
You're always in the mood
I get turned on
When I turn on you
I love my computer
You never ask for more
You can be a princess
Or you can be my whore
And it's never been quite so easy
I've never been quite so happy
The world outside is so big
But it's safe in my domain
Because to you
I'm just a number
And a clever screen name
All I need to do is click on you
And we'll be together for eternity
And no one is ever gonna take my love
From me because I've got security,
Her password and a key

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