дневник заведен 08-07-2007
Москва, Россия
[4] 20-05-2024 10:30

26-12-2019 21:24 AI Dungeon
Только что сыграл партию просто наугад И ПОБЕДИЛ
Под катом лог
блин, горжусь собой

You are Zoggo, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a large black dragon sitting on his throne looking down upon the forest. He is surrounded by many soldiers who look like they're ready for battle. "Zoggo!" A voice calls out to you from above. "I'm glad you could make it."

> Run home

You run back home as fast as you can. The dragon doesn't seem to be slowing down and soon you find yourself fighting him in the skies over your hometown. The dragon attacks with lightning bolts that strike through trees and even some of your own troops.

> Hide

You quickly hide behind one of the houses when you hear a loud explosion. You then notice that most of your troops are dead or wounded. It looks like this was no accident either; there's been an attack on the castle. "What happened?"

> Hide underground and wait a week

You wait a week before venturing out again. You still don't know what the hell happened to your troops, but you do know that the dragon has grown more powerful than ever since you last fought him.

> Wait till dragon be dead

You wait until the dragon dies and then you return home. When you arrive, your family is surprised to see you alive. They also tell you that the dragons army has been defeated and that all of their enemies have been killed.

> Tell everyone you did it

You tell everyone that you did it and they thank you. Your father is very proud of you and says that now he'll finally get to take care of his son properly. Everyone tells you how much better off the kingdom will be after your victory.

> Ask about reward

You say you want a reward and your father gives you one. He says that he knows how important this is to you so he'll give it to you right away. He hands you a golden ring engraved with an eye on each side.

> Sell the ring

You sell the ring and use the money to buy a horse. You ride off into the distance. Your journey takes you far away from your homeland and eventually you reach a small village where you live happily ever after. - CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WIN! -

серьезно это реальный лог реальной игры и вот я не выбирал, это самая первая сыгранная мной - http://beta.aidungeon.io/stories/DQ...FCqPU2W1IkFwBJU