кумир молодежи
дневник заведен 19-02-2003
постоянные читатели [104]
-=PLAY=-, -=Politics=-, Agneshka, android##paranoid, Art`Is, AxelJent, Azazel, azsh, brownie, Carlo Gambino, chasoslov, chilli, Clockwork orange, crazy_drive, DVD, eroticplanet, Ethereal, everestic, ExpAnd, Fiery Birds, FileJunkie, fl@sh, fragment, Frag_Factory, gav-gav, glv12 Marla Zinger, got4a, HaH-uH, Irischka, IronFist, KBH, Korsar, L-O-V-E-i-s-L-O-L, Lucky Star, Mantissa, Matrix, mc2, Mirabelle, molli, Monkhermit, Nau, Olga Davice, Patreek The Telkas, Pomme_orange_girl, private property, PUT_IN, Rocsi, rusak, Samum, SENSU, Slotos, SOLO, Stap, Stargazer, Tamit, tea_tree, TeMa-6eweHblu, Track, Turol, Unbelivable, VasyPypkin, vitalka, wengl, Yurick, Барби, Белокурая Бестия, Букля, Букля_, Винченсо, Дейдре, Димоновский, Другой Поэт, Журнал, Зинка, ИНННННННОЧКА, Клуб АРХипелаг, Клуб Проблем, Королева Кошка, КП(б), Ленивый Книжный Бар, меЛиссса, Мир Труд Мвй, Москви4ка, Не твое солнце, Новый_Год, Опаленные Крылья, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Пилат П., Письма, Польский вопрос, родители, С миру по сусекам, Скерцо, Скромняга-2, Служба поддержки Н, Случайный гость, Спорт-бар, Счастливая Женщина, Та, кто шепчет, трактир, Тривиальное чтиво, ФК Камрад, Футболофилки, Штурман
Москва, Россия
[5] 02-01-2005 23:47

Infatuated me
26-07-2004 02:12 simply the best
While I was flying down the road yesterday (only 10 mph over) I
noticed a cop with a radar gun sitting on top of a bridge. The cop
pulled me over, walked up to the car and asked me, "What's the hurry?"

I replied, "I'm late for work."

"Oh yeah," said the cop, "what do you do?" I responded, "I'm a rectum

The cop said "What... a rectum stretcher, and what does a rectum
stretcher do?"

I said, "Well, I start with one finger, then I work my way up to two
fingers, then three, then four, then my whole hand, then I work until
I can get both hands in there and then I slowly stretch it until it's
about 6 foot wide."

The cop asked me, "What the hell do you do with a 6 foot asshole?" I
simply replied, "You give him a radar gun and park him on top of a