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дневник заведен 13-08-2003
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02-11-2005 23:11 про путь, поток, и геройство
"The true hero starts as a cultivated person. You must learn the Way.

Fame and fortune are predestined. Of what use is a guileful heart? Rather, constantly seek the truth, maintain your discipline, and preserve your dignity. Cultivate the Way.

Don't swim against the current. Only by swimming with it can you avoid disaster. For the bitter truth of life is this: Each person is at the mercy of the tide. Sometimes one wants to go east, but one is swept to the west. Sometimes one wants to go north, but one is carried to the south. There is no choice.

Finding this truth is the Way. The Way is Tao. The Tao is the flow of the universe. Tao is the Mysterious. Tao is balance. But balance can be lost; the fragile equilibrium can be destroyed...

If you learn to live with Tao and someday use your skills to fight evil, then perhaps you can be called a hero."

Den Ming-Dao