Das Leben. Es ist Gut.
дневник заведен 14-01-2003
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Иркутск, Москва, Россия
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24-09-2004 16:32
потом - yogajournal.com про медитацию и жизнь

Meditation practice gives us tools for letting it in without getting swept away by it. It teaches us how to bear the unbearable--and what's happening is on so many levels, unbearable." Let your yoga practice remind you again and again to drop out of your mind and into your body: to feel the swell of your breath in your belly, the fear that tightens the skin on the back of your skull, the sting of the rain on your cheeks as you walk on a stormy beach. And as you feel your own body, let your practice lead you into the heart of what's really going on in the world. Notice what happens in your body as you watch images of fighter jets slicing through the sky, or women flinging off their veils and dancing in the street, or refugees fleeing American bombs. Notice what happens when you read that "we" are winning or that "they" are planning another attack. As a simple practice, Johnson tells the teenagers in the teen meditation group she teaches to try skipping dinner once a week--to see what it feels like to go to bed hungry--or to go outside without a coat for half an hour on an icy night. "It's so ridiculous, just one little meal, but for many of us that's unthinkable," she says. "Our practice can open our hearts to the fact that there are human beings who are feeling incredible fear and hunger and terror and cold."

3. Contemplate death. If you find yourself skipping meetings held in skyscrapers or canceling your yoga vacation in Florida because of fears of hijacking, try what Buddhist scholar and former Tibetan monk Robert Thurman calls "homeopathic dharma." Says Thurman, "If you're afraid of dying, meditate on death."

All of this focus on the imminence of death isn't meant to be morbid or depressing. It's meant to shock the practitioner into an understanding of how things actually are--which frees you up to be more alive and awake. If you really know, not intellectually but viscerally, that you and everyone you love are definitely going to die, you are less likely to sleepwalk through your life.