дневник заведен 08-07-2007
Москва, Россия
[4] 20-05-2024 10:30

07-09-2015 12:54 About relationship
For some strange reason - reading complaining blog posts.
Usually its about "balance" in relationship.
And usually "balance" mean: "Am I get enough?", "Are my prices good?", "Can I levelup my price somehow to get more things?"

And I think its wrong on the most deep basic level.
I think its like putting things upside down.

I mean, if you wanna get someting from another person - I guess it's better do outside relationship. You can agree about sertain things with anyone, doesnt matter how you feel about him. Even if you hate him - you still can get some reasonable agreement. I mean, its just a question of logic and sanity, adequacy of all partners. It's an consumer way. And its nothing bad when you just trade things with other people.

But when you get to any relationship territory - it's not question how do you get something out of it. Its a question, how to spend something. Some time, some work. So only ecological way of starting any relatioship - is when you have some spare part of your life and just want to throw it away best way possible. And not the best way for you, but best way for another person.
And I mean - for nothing. Well, may be youll get something out of it, but if you dont - thats not a problem, because that was not the reason why you did it.

So theres no such thing as "balance". At all. You wanted to throw away some part of your life and you did it. You succesfully did what you wanted. It's win-win at any possible circumstances.

And, I repeat, if you want to get something - just use fucking simple agreements. Even with same person your in relationship with. Just do it outside of relationship. Dont use relationship as a prise or part in agreement. Didnt you have something else you can trade? Just get something else, and use it.
And if you dont have something else - just dont start trading at all.
Because when you trading with things that you dont have (hint: relationship - is not your property) - its called cheating. Blackmail, racket.
And theres nothing good when you doing these things.