20:21 21-05-2007
Ставятся, кажись.

Current music: 196. Ozric Tentacles - [The Floor's Too Far Away #02] Armchair Journey
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04:44 05-05-2007

Current music: Empyrium - [A Wintersunet... #05] Autumn Grey Views
Tags: [ beauties ]
21:43 20-04-2007
Tags: [ beauties ]
15:27 12-04-2007
Mirage Desktop

Current music: Camel - [Rain Dances #10] Highways of the Sun [Single Version]
Tags: [ beauties ]
01:11 17-10-2006
BB Desktop #4
Вот. Изменений немного: обои, иконки и прочие мелочи. Скучновато, зато аккуратно...

PS: Уже одиннадцатый раз прослушиваю "current music". Монументальная композиция в духе поздних Draconian. Клавиш почти не слышно, изредка звучит скрипка. Последняя минута особенно цепляет.
"I no longer experience fear
Why did it come to this blind in our pain
The events of my life are before me
Birth lay the path towards death
The substance of my flesh condemned
to rot our souls become one
Our pain washed away in a storm of renewed hope
I feel you inside my mind
together at last for eternity"

Current music: Cryptal Darkness - [Chapter II - The Fallen #02] My Eternal Hunger
Tags: [ beauties ] [ music ]
04:29 18-07-2006
BBlue Desktop with GANT icons
Поменял иконки, однако.

WALLPAPER: Koi Wallpaper by copperthistle
STYLER: Samui 2 by kavin
DOCK ICONS: GANT by mattahan
AVEDESK: Simple 4Day Weather by fantastic902
DESK ICONS: Umicons by mattahan

Current music: Kow Otani - [Shadow of the Colossus ~Roar of the Earth~ Original Soundtrack #12] A Violent Encounter ~Battle Theme~
Tags: [ beauties ]
20:50 17-07-2006
BBlue Desktop
Продолжаю писать ни о чем. То есть ни о чем не писать. Сегодня я не напишу о своем рабочем столе, который выглядит так:

Current music: Hellveto - [Prelude To Dying #01] Prelude To Dying
Mood: дефолтное
Tags: [ beauties ]