Несказанное, синее, нежное... Silver blue...
Indigo girl
дневник заведен 21-09-2004
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антиресы [8]
лицемерие, ложь, математика, холод, предательство, Игнор, разочарование, вставать рано
17-07-2005 01:00
"... I spent most of my adult life trying to protect myself from exactly this situation and you can't do it... There's no home safe enough, there is no country nice enough, there is no relationship secure enough, you're just setting yourself up for even bigger fall and having incredibly boring time in process..."

Meg Ryan, "The French kiss" movie

Wise words....
Cannot agree with you on that.... It’s a rather cynical statement about life…
Maybe a relationship is not secure from diseases and death, but you can make it as safe as you like to. I think that cheating comes from boredom, boredom from a relationship or boredom of a too simple lifestyle. If you’re just floating through life not thinking about consequences of your own deeds, you will let the relationship crush on some underwater stones…. But if you are consequent enough, thoughtful enough and never let routine enter your relationship, you can be more or less secure from cheating and lack of respect from your partner.
Maritim Marriage/relationship could be very hard work, once the romantic phase is over. And sometimes even this hard work can't secure that things would be tip-top again. And sometimes it is not even worth to work hard on it...

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