make me sad... make me mad... make me feel all right...
дневник заведен 13-03-2003
постоянные читатели [29]
adelante, alexfroz, Alita, avatar2k, brownie, Dita-sensei, endymion, Guri, Hila, Incognito, Kat Ryan, leto, MaRAZmatik, owl, Pacifik, RedLine Graphics, rinoa_dark, SPYHUNTER, Sumire, Sver, TimeLine Flash, Unatine, warezn1y, Аспирантка, В кедах по снегу, Дитя_Наизнанку, Кристиночка, Неверная, Фай Родис
Воронеж, Россия
интересы [12]
аниме, сумерки, хорошая компания, неки, Лонгфелло, хорошая музыка, горький шоколад с лесными орехами
антиресы [4]
вареная морковка
[6] 29-08-2004 23:20
так... подумалось...

Забрел случайно
07-07-2003 22:10 Cat Came Back
Old Mister Johnson had troubles of his own.
He had an old yellow cat, that wouldn't leave home.
He tried and he tried to give the cat away.
He gave it to a man that was going far away....

But, the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back - thought it was a goner,
But the cat came back.
He just couldn't stay away,
No, no, no, no.

The man around the corner said he'd shoot the cat on sight,
He loaded up his shotgun with nails and dynamite;
He waited and he waited for the cat to come around,
But the ninety seven pieces of that man was all they found.

But, the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back - thought it was a goner,
But the cat came back.
He just couldn't stay away,
No, no, no, no.

Current video: Gravitation - Shuuichi's Back.avi

P.S. насколько я понимаю, это здесь