make me sad... make me mad... make me feel all right...
дневник заведен 13-03-2003
постоянные читатели [29]
adelante, alexfroz, Alita, avatar2k, brownie, Dita-sensei, endymion, Guri, Hila, Incognito, Kat Ryan, leto, MaRAZmatik, owl, Pacifik, RedLine Graphics, rinoa_dark, SPYHUNTER, Sumire, Sver, TimeLine Flash, Unatine, warezn1y, Аспирантка, В кедах по снегу, Дитя_Наизнанку, Кристиночка, Неверная, Фай Родис
Воронеж, Россия
интересы [12]
аниме, сумерки, хорошая компания, неки, Лонгфелло, хорошая музыка, горький шоколад с лесными орехами
антиресы [4]
вареная морковка
[6] 29-08-2004 23:20
так... подумалось...

Забрел случайно
12-08-2003 22:34 rain...
I don't feel a thing,
and I stop remebering
The days are just like moments turned to hours

Mother used to say,
if you want you'll find a way
But mother never danced through firey showers

Walk, in the rain
In the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Is it right, or is it wrong
Is it here that I belong

I don't hear a sound
Silent faces in the ground
Quiet screams, but I refuse to listen

If there is a Hell
I'm sure this is how it smells
I wish this were a dream, but no it isn't

Walk, in the rain
In the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Am I right, or am I wrong
Is it here that I belong

Walk, in the rain
In the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Why do I feel so alone
For some reason, I think of home.

потоки воды по асфальту....
пьяный идиот. бросающийся под колеса автобуса...
свет фар, рассекающий пелену дождя....
лужи, лужи, лужи...

np: Yoko Kano - Rain
Состояние: страное
младший братец
а что значит "странное"?

я любопытная Варвара =)