A shelter from pigs on the wing
дневник заведен 09-08-2004
постоянные читатели [32]
3 CaHuTaPa, 517design, Arde, Art`Is, aviabaza, BlackDrago, CyberJoe, DeadMorozz, Depeche Mode, DMZ, d_r, Ewige, glv12 Marla Zinger, goldenandy, Grimble, Hydralisk, Jude, Katrine Himitsu, Leave-me-alone, MISTIK, My3a, Nash, Nicholas Hawkwood, Pingvin, Riskoff, VorteX DrAgON, Wolfram, Букля_, достало, Муть, Рика, Эль
Красноярск, Россия, Сибирь
интересы [24]
программирование, C++, Depeche Mode, Star Wars, perl, DVD, JavaScript, FAR, lost, 80е, Half Life 2, долго спать, Miami Vice, веб-роботы, кентаврицы
антиресы [9]
грибы, грейпфрутовый сок, мёртвые люди, табличка обед, долго спать
10-11-2006 20:24 Радио гы-гы
Что ж еще такого замесательного в серии GTA? Это конечно же радио. Про музыку сейчас ни слова, ибо я говорю о чумовых рекламных роликах и разговорных радио.
Если есть хорошие знания английского - слушайте в игре или вне игры, рипнув файл. Или можно найти в инете скрипты передач.

Вот например реклама замечательной игровой приставки.
Думаю не трудно догадаться в чем тут прикол? (На всякий случай я выделил подсказки)

Man: An ancient pastime just went cyber-optic!
Boy: Mom, look! I'm playing with myself!
Chorus: eXsorbio!
Man: Hand-held gaming action is here!
Man 2: eXsorbeo Game System fits in the palm of your hand. It provides hours of fun!
Boy: Mom, look! I'm playing with myself!
Man 2: Once you discover the action-packed action of Exorbio, you won't be able to stop!
Chorus: eXsorbeo!
Man 2: Take your newfound addiction everywhere! The three-color screen is just like real life.
Man: Play games like "Morning Missile Crisis"
Man 2: Free the hostages!
Man: "One-eyed Monster Warrior"
Man 2: Light saber struggle!
Man: "Zith Squirt!"
Man 2: Pocket pool!
Man: "Mortal Sin," and "Tonsil Hockey." But be careful! You might go blind!
Boy: Oh! I'm out of batteries! And my arm aches!
Chorus: eXsorbeo!
Man 2: Or, link up your eXsorbeos for private swordfight battles!
Boy: I wonder if dad still does it?
Man 2: eXsorbeo! Let the games commence!
Chorus: eXsorbeo!

(phone rings)
Man: Hello?
Woman: Hi, is Mark there?
Man: Yeah...
Woman: It's me, Shannon. We met at Jack's party?
Man: Yeah! How can I forget? Wow, how you doing? I haven't heard from you in, uh...
Woman: Nine months.
(sound of baby crying)
Woman: Hello?
Man 2: Some moments change your life.
(sound of telephone dialing)
Man 2: San Andreas Telephone. For those -difficult- conversations.

Mom: I love my kids more than anything.
Son: Which is why mom keeps me clinically obese- so I won't run away.
Mom: That's where cake comes in. My sister's son got to 18 and just ran away. She was broken-hearted. Now me and little Joshua celebrate every day with cake! He's my number one, and he knows it! Now he's not running anywhere. Why not celebrate with cake? Every day.
Woman (sings): Celebrate with cake!

Woman: If only the world was less like this...
Man: I could use a smoke (sound of lighter)
Woman 2: Hey! Put that out!
Woman: ...and more like this...
Man: I could use a smoke (sound of lighter)
Woman 2: You murderer! I might have children one day! (sound of gunshot)
Woman: Smoking kills. Unless you kill first. If you're around a smoker, you -will- die. Smokers may look like they're relaxed and having fun, but don't believe it. Vote "yes" on Proposition 421. Let's outlaw smoking everywhere- even in people's homes, and allow honest citizens to legally kill anyone who smokes. Let's live in a world without smokers! Prohibition works- let's prove it. Let's move up the food chain. It's time to smoke the smokers! Vote
"yes" on Proposition 421.

Mom: Mikey, where are you?
Mikey: Ha, you can't see me, because my invisibility cloak is on!
Mom: Oh Mikey, stop drawing pentagrams on all the doors!
Announcer: The Cavern of Sorrow!
Man: It's the fantasy game that's sweeping the country. The Cavern of Sorrow. Learn about our exciting history and have fun, too!
Boy 1: I'm a holy warrior on a quest. I'll KILL you if you don't believe like I do!
Boy 2: You can't beat me, stupid! I'm invisible!
Boy 1: I got invisibility-seeing glasses, dumbass! Lod Zad the Wizard gave them to me, remember? Our adventure at Gash Canyon?
Announcer: The Cavern of Sorrow!
Man: Gather ye friends and embark on historical adventures.
Boy 2: I'll cut your head off with my sword.
Boy 1: Oh no you won't! I've got a metal neck, given to me by Gorath of Backdar! I got it when we traveled to the nether regions of Gorthback. There I had eight wives, 47 kids, and other concerns.
Boys (together): The Cavern of Sorrow!
Man: It's not just a game, it's a secret society of special friends. Will you find the Cavern of Sorrow? Or will it find you?
Announcer: The Cavern of Sorrow!

Narrator: He was a man of peace, living on a quiet farm in North Dakota. Till one day all hell broke loose.
Male: Tim we need you.
Tim: I'm a man of peace, I'm done killing. I wanna raise a family.
Man: That's just it Tim, They've got your family.
Tim: Noooo!
Narrator: Jack Howitzer is Tim in Exploder. From the heart of America to the jungles of Cambodia, follow one mans quest for peace.
Tim: Hoochi vet is that you?
Hoochi: Tim I know you come, just like old days we kill everybody.

Male: Tim they've got your wive!
Tim: But I'm not married!

Male: You are now to America.
Narrator: He went in to save his country, but found his family and lost his friend. (Shot)
Tim: Hoochi!!!!
Hoochi: Tim don't leave me, you tought me baseball Tim, and how to laugh.
Tim: Nooo, he would have been a fine American. I'll cry when I'm done killing!
Narrator: Get your self a body bag, strap your self in, start making friends the American way! Exploder: Evacuator Part 2. Rated PG may include patriotic garbage .

Male #1: It's the knife that saved America. If you liked the film Exploder,you'll love this enormous commemorative survival knife. In the handle you'll find all the things you'll need in any wilderness, disaster situation or jungle of your backyard. It comes complete with fishingline, needle and thread for sewing gashes back together. And an incredibly useful endurable toothpick
Hoochi: Tim, go on without me. I've got toffee stuck in tooth.
Tim: It's okay Hoochi, try this!(Knife Opening)
Male #1: For those unplanned extended stays in the jungle, there's a saw for building your own hut, toilet paper and a fold out woman for company. As well as a serrated blade that can kill a man before he can scream.(Man Grunting)
Tim: That'll shut you up!
Male #1: The Exploder survival knife. It's the knife that saved America. Now it can save you.
Male #2: This knife killed 25,000 people in Cambodia. Now you can too.

Female: Do you have dry mouth?
Female #2: I sure do!
Female: It protects your teeth, fights infection, and lubricates your food.. But what happens when you run out of saliva?
Female #2: Help me, I can't talk!
Female: For personal dryness upstairs, it's Salivex!
Female #3: Wow! I can spit again!
Female: Salivex is more than salive in a can. Salivex improves consumption efficiency by 50%. No more half-way cures, ike coasting your throat in cooking oil, to have that extra piece of cake, or a bowl of kitty litter!
Female #2: After a night out, my tongue tasted like carpet! It was embarrassing. Now with Salivex, I can eat a whole box of crackers, or lick my life partner's *Stamp Collection* all night!
Male: It's like having a salivation army in my mouth! Now I can suck a *Lollipop* for as long as I want!
Female: Salivex tastes like your own saliva - that's because at Salivex's state of the art production facilities, we use 'Salivation Philanthropists', who make Salivex all day. Salivex, when it comes to personal dryness upstairs, were deadly serious!

Dad: Timmy, tidy your room and go to bed.
Jimmy: I'm so sick of this! I keep telling you I've got a rare disease! I look 12 but I'm a 42-year-old investment banker. I wanna go out and get laid.
Dad: Oh yeah and I'm Santa Claus. Now tidy your room.

Male: Are you tired of dad?
Boy: Dad, no one wants to hear your stupid Vietnam stories.
Male: Are you tired of mom?
Mom: Hi angel, do you want to read a book or go outside?
Boy: No.(Degenatron)
Male: The arcade comes to your living room, only without the creepy guys offering to show you puppies.
Boys: Awesome!
Male: The Degenatron, you can play video games just like you are in the arcade!
Kids: Excellent!(Degenatron)
Male: The degenatron gaming system plays three exciting games including Defender of the Faith where you save the green dots with your fantastic flying red square.
Boys: Cool
Male: Monkey's Paradise where you swing from green dot to green dot with your red square monkey.
Boys: That's rad!
Speaker: And Penatrator where you smash the green dots deep inside the mysterious red square.
Boys: WOW!
Male: The Degenatron brings arcade realism to your living room. It can even take quarters and a strange sweaty man comes by to empty the machine on Fridays.(Degenatron)
Male: Degenatron, fighting the evil of boredom.
Boys: I'll never go to school again!(Degenatron)

Из разговорных радио даже выцепить сложно. Ибо там много абзацев

Amy: This is K-Chat, welcome back to the show. I'm Amy Sheckenhausen and next up, we're going to be interviewing someone with a lot to say for herself. A woman who pretended to be a man and then wrote a book about t. I haven't read it, but I'm going to pretend I did. She's professer of Anthrososiology and womens studies at the University of Vice City. And her name's Micheala Crapis. Crapadis. Micheala. Michelle. Hi, welcome to K-Chat.
Michelle: Yeah, so I entered the world of men, in disguise of course, I was dressed like a man.
Amy: Ok, and you haven't changed back?
Michelle: What, what did you say?
Amy: You're still dressed like a man.
Michelle: No I'm not, these are my normal clothes. Amy for gods sakes, don't fall prey to the patriarichy's evil fashion schemes!
Amy: Oh, sorry.
Michelle: I bet this radio station is owned by a man, white male conservatives monopolise the media selecting right wing blondes to proporgate conservatism.
Amy: I don't have blonde hair.
Michelle: Not yet Amy, not yet. Did you know men drink beer and smoke cigarettes and wear hats?
Amy: Uh, well, yeah.

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