A shelter from pigs on the wing
дневник заведен 09-08-2004
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грибы, грейпфрутовый сок, мёртвые люди, табличка обед, долго спать
21-08-2008 19:59 LOST Podcasts
Сценаристы отвечают на мой любимый вопрос: что делают на острове остальные ~30 персонажей?

They're very busy raking sand, sorting leaves, drying leaves and waiting to gather round interesting characters.

Другие приятные моменты

  • The Lost storyline won't be changed if fans figure it out
  • The producers confirm (again) that they have an arc for the whole show.
  • They heavily imply that the Monster can manifest as people
  • Does the Others obsession with children and pregnancy go beyond the apparent inability of women to successfully bear children on the island? Yes
  • Yes, they are interested in children with special abilities
  • Jacob is not an alien
  • They don't like the idea of multiple timelines or alternate futures
  • There is a time flux that takes place in a journey to the Island.
  • The name of the cow is Svetlana
  • There are themes in Narnia that are relevant to Lost. One of the themes is that of a different world connected to our world. This is also to be found in the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.
  • The show is paradox-averse. When characters are time traveling, nothing that they do can change the present or the future that you have seen, which is different than on other shows. This is to make sure that what happens in the flash-forwards is "definitely not changeable" as far as time travel goes. Things like an alternate Jack in an alternate reality are not possible. Parallel futures or alternate universes that depend upon how certain actions play out are not the writers' intention. The Ms. Hawking scene in Flashes Before Your Eyes explains this principle.
  • Ben's mother Emily = "Apparition."
  • Yemi = "Monster."
  • Walt = "Walt the person is a person. But there are apparitions of Walt that may not be Walt, and also monster related."
  • Kate's horse is undead.
  • You will learn more about the four-toed statue and the Black Rock but not necessarily from a flashback
  • Regardless of Danielle fate, her story will eventually be told.
  • Ben wasnt telling complete truth about not knowing what monster was to Locke
  • The producers compare the scene between Ben and Widmore to the scene in Heat between De Niro and Pacino.
  • It's an open question whether the "rules" are an agreement between Ben and Widmore or of they are determined by some larger forces
  • Widmore claims the island is his — He has been there, and has some sort of prior history with the island.
  • Next year deals more with DHARMA
  • Hopefuly at the temple we'll find some more four toed feet people... or- or not.
  • We saw that Michael couldn't kill himself or be killed by Keamy because the island wasn't done with him. Is that the reason why Jack failed to commit suicide in the flashforward, and why Ben and Widmore can't kill each other? — Yes

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