дневник заведен 08-07-2007
Москва, Россия
15-08-2011 09:02 Spiral Knights Economy
Each day player got automatically 100 energy (ce - crystal energy).

Player can play on it, can trade it for 5000 crowns (cr). Its roughly equal 1$ (if you buy energy).

Completion tier1 - gets 60se and brings 4kcr (4000cr). So its 1kcr gain (60se = 3kcr). Or 0.2$ for 40 minutes of gaming.

Tier 2 -80se +9kcr = 4kcr gain (0.8$ for hour of gaming).

Tier 3 - dont know (need play more).

If youre doing arena trick. Each arena its -10 minutes -10ce +2kcr.
1500cr gain (0.25$ for 10 minutes, 1.5$ for hour).

5* weapon/armor (if player already have 4* that costs half of it) - 70kcr (25kcr - recipe, 45kcr - upgrade). It is 14$.

So - to have 5* weapon player need 9 hours of doing arena trick or 20 hours normal tier2 runs.

If each day just normally make runs spending 100 energy - its roughly 5-7 days to 5* weapon/armor.

short link: clck.ru/Im4h