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Армения, Ереван
28-05-2013 19:05 Nostalgic me.
Recently I became extremely nostalgic. Almost every little thing from the past fires a huge chain of memory reactions. And honestly I enjoy it. Sometimes I remember people, how they use to be, how was I and how the thing were in general. Of course I understand that you can't step into the same river twice, but it's very comforting to mentally travel there and for a minute forget abut the current reality and replace it with the one I already know.
That doesn't mean I don't like the current phase of my life. I'm just having fun I guess.
And by the way. I caught myself on withholding and not using some tags anymore. That makes me feel like I'm faking my posts and not being truly honest. I don't really know why that happens, but it sets me thinking... Maybe because I don't want to be the disturber. Maybe I respect other people and don't want to impose my life and things that aren't interesting to them. After all this thing is somewhat a public place. After all private posts exist exactly for such cases. So.. yeah. It's ok to keep it this way.

My ears enjoy Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Состояние In the past
Thursday's Child
some tags? let me put it this way - those personal tags feed my ego, as a reader. I love to be invited to a private confessions party, and who doesn't? If people didn't want to read personal posts, they wouldn't follow your personal blog - there are lots of other social medias for any other type of communication. This one is a diary. You know better, anyway

As of nostalgia - funny thing. I was having extremely nostalgic days lately, and thought the exact same thing - that it's just nice to have the memories, and though my life at current state is exactly what I want, I also like to look back and replay some of the past episodes, much like I want to re-watch a movie/show or re-read a book. Creating an alternate reality in my imagination is also a way to continue the story that once was, but no need in actually replacing the real one with it.

Have you seen this video yet, by the way?

It points out that nostalgia is a way for brain to re-define who we really are, remember and see ourselves through the prism of good memories of life we once had. And the most new and nice experiences are gathered throughout mid-teens to early thirties, so that's the time we cherish the most as we get older. Memories from those years are those we most likely will be feeling nostalgic about.

Yeah, I saw this one. I'm subscribed to VSauce and really love Michael's videos. He's a great geeky entertainer and does awesome stuff. I totally agree with the statement that we are practically our memories. Although we change throughout our lifetime, we build up ourselves from the foundation that give us our memories. And while watching this video I was wondering - what an awful thing is to have a memory loss. Just think abut it. We make a tragedy if our HDD breaks taking our digital data with it. Imagine what it feels like to have erased all the D:\ drive of the brain. Frightening...

much like I want to re-watch a movie/show or re-read a book
Well said. And it'll be at least strange not to want go back there. Even for a slight glimpse. It's just that sometimes you can't help but being a little to obsessed with things that happened with you. You start to model some situations, playing with it's variables and truing to calculate what outcome they could bring. Some kind of a virtual reality game Pretty amusing.

And about tags.
Well... there are some things that can, um.. make my readers (some of them) maybe feel uncomfortable or even somehow oblige them. And that's the least I want to do. Some of them are my close friends and by being fully open I can somehow affect them. And I don't think in a good way. I've been on this road ant it leads to nowhere. Although there's nothing special or criminal in that things.
Honestly... I just miss the good talks I use to have with some of them.
"Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last".
Thursday's Child
VSauce rules, hands down

Having quite a few memory issues myself (forgetting some crucial things that happened to me, and confusing real memories of my past with my fantasies, dreams or even stories somebody has told me), complete memory loss is terrifying, to say the least. I've figured I not only want to re-play memories every once in a while out of nostalgia, but really need to force myself remember if I want those memories to stick around for longer. Guess that's partially why I've always kept a diary - since pre-teen years, even. So yeah, amnesia is a scary stuff.

It's just that sometimes you can't help but being a little to obsessed with things that happened with you. You start to model some situations, playing with it's variables and truing to calculate what outcome they could bring. Some kind of a virtual reality game

I call it "fan-fiction" When a story is so good that you don't want to walk out on it, and in order for it to live on, you make up sequels, alternate endings, ideas that could be true in an alternate universe, and so on. A harmless and really amusing thing, indeed. Also, they give you a perspective on your life and your own self - if things turned out that made-up way initially, how different would you be now, and would you be regretting and dreaming of the life you have now?

A certain tag you used in this post speaks for itself privately published posts, maybe? I was wondering the other day what's going on with, well, what's going on on that front and how things worked out eventually. I myself would love to read at least one update on the topic.

P.S.: yes. That song is exactly about all of this
Having diary really solves some problems especially considering how forgetful I am. So diaries rule

Fan-fiction indeed As long as it's for amusement and harmful. But many people (including me before) take that concepts too serious and can't live normally because of their convictions about the wrong choices they had in their lives.
Milan Kundera in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" had some great thoughts on "what if" possible parallel branches. Shortly, he meant that because we live only one life, we can't objectively compare two parallel realities. We can't predict all the consequences of our causes and tell which life would turn out better after all.
At first this idea seems really trivial, but more you think about it - the more you understand. We have absolutely no right seriously to say "I/we/you should/shouldn't have done it this way" or anything similar. Because that actually makes no sense. The only choice we have is to live the live and do it the best we can and learn from our mistakes when we can. I got this quite late btw.

Well I wasn't actually talking about that but I'm glad you're interested. I'll make a particular post about that someday
Anyways the tags I meant are not used in this post. I removed them just before posting because of the last sentence.

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