Хорошая новость для тех, кто ждал обновления PODBot'а. Теперь появился его официальный наследник под названием
PoxBot. Неизвестно та же команда будет над ним работать или другая, но уже точно известно, что все вейпоинты от PODBot'а будут полностью подходить к PoxBot'у.
POXBot Version 1.03 Changes:
Lots of changes to combat movement
Combat movement reevaluated on a frequency related to what they are doing rather than just every 4 seconds
Willing to crouch in place during combat
More linear funtions based on distance now to determine the chances of using different combat movement styles
Lots of minor movement tweaks
Better Reloading (Big thanks to LightNinja of E[POD] for providing this code I only slightly modified)
Bots waiting for some 10 seconds in the beginning of unsupported maps should be completely fixed and even if that fails the wait will still be reduced to 6 seconds (6 second alteration from E[POD] by LightNinja)
Changes to POX Features Menu:
Can force combat move styles for debugging purposes or just for fun
Includes submenus
New option resets all POX Features to defualt settings
Lots of minor changes I made and forgot already NOTE: New debugging reveals they like to choose their combat movement based on what some inner demons tell them and not what I tell them. This may go all the way back to 2.6 It explains many problems I've suspected in earlier versions. IMPORTANT: There are some complaints that my .cfg's don't work. I've yet to have a problem with them but if your games won't start properly try renaming the original .cfg's to POXskill.cfg and POXBot.cfg
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CS 1.6
3 CaHuTaPa