Сказка фиолетового мира
дневник заведен 18-07-2004
постоянные читатели [59]
07, Abel Naitroad, Amaranth, Artemis, Black Heart, BlutS, Boorzik, Coooooper, daemon, Depeche Mode, DRey_A, Elfwine, Estee Lau, EXotiCA, felsi, iskatel, Jenna, JulianaZee, Liinka, Marjerri, Mcferri, Miss Nothing, Murk, neMertvaR, neus500, padre A, Predator, RedLine Graphics, Samum, Seele, Sentence, SJD, sky_unltd, Snake'a, Stefani, steklo, Suzy, Terminator, TimeLine Flash, Vampire_Daphna, Zaggat, Анфея, Арахна, Букля_, Духовные происки, Клуб КИНОпередвижка, Клуб Серфенгистов, Медведяко, Менада, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Паранормальный клуб, ПЕПЯКАМОБИЛЕ, Политклуб, Пушистик, Санька Романова, Скромняга-2, ТамаРа, Шива-созидатель, Юджико
Москва, Россия
интересы [48]
искренность, психология, кино, аниме, фантастика, весна, звёзды, Depeche Mode, Ария, жизнь, любовь, Linkin Park, астрономия, красота, Era, Babylon 5, стихи, ночь, безумие, дождь, Фэнтэзи, закат, смерть, рассвет, эзотерика, Slipknot, Будущее, гармония, дружба, глупости, садизм, Star Trek, Evanescence, мазохизм, странность, S.P.O.C.K., Книги Лукьяненко, Книги Васильева, Книга Макса Фрая, Собственная писанина, неизученное, свои глюки, чужие глюки, Книги Дж. Р. Р. Толкиена, Религии и мифы, мужская логика, ловля моментов, грабли
антиресы [7]
ложь, грубость, предательство, разлука, родственники, игнорирование, собственное прошлое
[2] 23-09-2008 14:27

Imperium Tenebrarum
26-04-2010 01:16 Shock of pleasure - "This is a test"
This is not a test,
it's just the radio.
There's no place left for
one of us, we live in stereo.

If there’s a question, the way I feel about the law
That says that I’m a thief above it all.
I do not have the things I want, but I can’t find.
Just show me something real and make it.
Everywhere begins to be the same
Other words we use that might contain
An ounce of truth for every treason.
Where was it you said you had to go?
Life is just a game of who you know.
The ones we love and mostly cherish.

Why? Are we so focused?
Don’t tell me that you’re thinking,
You’re thinking that it’s better this way.
The things we do for love, it’s all for your protection.
Your protection.

A gift we share, but most of all,
Divides our world in places without walls.
I do no have the things you want but never find.
It’s music that I feel; I can’t fake it.
Isn’t there a way to get it back?
To the way it was before the world
Became obsessed with information.

Why? Are we so focused?
Don’t tell me that you think that it should be this way,
A sad excuse for love, it’s all for your protection.
Your protection.

I do not have the things I want but I can’t find,
Just show me something real and make it.
Everywhere begins to be the same,
Other words we use that might contain,
An ounce of truth for every treason.
Where was it you said you had to go?
Life is just a game of who you know.
The ones we love and mostly cherish.

Why? Are we so focused?
Why? Is loving you so hard?
The things we do for love,
It’s all for your protection.

Your protection.

This is not a test;
It’s just the radio.
There’s no place left for one of us;
We live in stereo.

This is not a test;
It’s just the radio.
This is not a test;
It’s just the radio.

It’s just the radio

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